Oct 02, 2008 13:55
I've been neglecting comics for a few weeks now, but yesterday I finally found my way back to my neighborhood comic book shop to catch up on Amazing Spider Man and Secret Invasion. At this point couldn't everybody at Marvel just go home and let Bendis run the joint? I mean, seriously! Everything that's happened in EVERY main-continuity book Bendis has written in the last two years or more (and that's a lot) has been part of an elaborate setup to Secret Invasion. That means that even before Civil War, Bendis was laying the framework for Secret Invasion and cackling like a sadistic puppet master (I assume). There's talk of Bendis putting together a new team of Avengers when this is all over featuring the Big Three: Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America (James Barnes). Dude. Needless to say, Secret Invasion is fantastic, and it just keeps getting better. Issue #6 ended with two enormous splash pages as marvel's best finally take it to the skrull invaders for real. I squee'd. It made me squee.
Over in ASM, ol' Stormin' Norman Osborn has brought the Thunderbolts in to catch Spidey, and I have to say, Osborn has really blossomed from a cackling, pumpkin-bomb-tossing antagonist to a full blown villainous mastermind. I've liked him as Peter's nemesis for a long time. Under the pen of Warren Ellis over in Thunderbolts, he's really been showcased not as a jerk in a goblin costume, but as a dangerous sociopath with a god complex, and that portrayal has really stuck. Seriously, for me Norman Osborn has become one of those villains like the Joker, where you go, "Aw no way man, that guy's crazy. Can't I just go fight the Wrecking Crew?" Oh yeah, also, Martin Li/Negative Man seems to have inadvertently transformed Eddie Brock into an "Anti-venom", complete with a negative black-on-white symbiote (or something), and next issue showcases a battle between him and Mac Gargan/Venom. I'd love to see this story conclude with Brock becoming Venom again, but I'm not holding my breath.
Finally, over in The Incredible Hercules (heh, can't believe they stuck with that title) it seems that the amazons have had enough of Hypollyta pining over Hercules, so they've bumped her off and her daughter Artume is in charge now. Their first order of business: sex up Amadeus Cho. Now, I know that the idea of forced mating with scores of beautiful amazons sounds good on paper, but let's not forget, Amazons kill their lovers after coitus. So Cho might die, but he'll have a smile on his face. So Herc and Namora have to save Amadeus from a small army of uzi-toting amazons who look like they've been shopping at Hot Topic. Oh yeah, and Namor is pissed because Herc's been putting it to his cousin Namora. It is made primarily of awesome, and all delivered with the same tongue-in-cheek sense of humor that the series has become famous for. Now, some of you out there might be saying, "This is just a rip-off of Amazons Attack!" Let me just point out that most DC fans like to pretend Amazons Attack never happened, while this story arc in Hercules is, as I have previously stated, made of awesome.
'Nuff said (I've always wanted to do that :P)