Jan 10, 2006 15:24
Happy New Year to all, and I hope everyone had a fabulous time.
I had a great time at a party my friend threw in Ferndale, I was thinking about going to other parties that were further out in the burbs, but then I was moving and unpacking and didn’t want to risk the drive. Turns out this was wise, since the T-man and I needed to be driven home by an almost DD because we got pretty drunk.
The New Year has been pretty stressful actually, for all of a week, I guess.
I was forced out by my landlord and her craziness on Monday, a full two days earlier than I expected. Yes, I know it was the 2nd and all, but given how I've been treated by those people, I felt somewhat entitled to take my sweet time with it. (Ned I also mention that she, my landlord, took two weeks into our first month to move out herself, and then still left tons of crap in the house for us to clean up and pack up for her?) Anyway, this ended up not being possible, because she had people moving into the place, which she did not tell me and some what goes against the whole purpose of me moving out in the first place. These people were showing up within ten minutes of my landlord's boyfriend showing up at my house, unannounced and with me still in my pajamas, where I had it out with him and threatened to call the cops. That got some respect, and we started to work it out, were the new people would put their stuff in the garage and I would start shipping the rest of my stuff out. I wouldn't have to clean up after myself and my landlord's boyfriend would help us move. He ended up being the only person, outside of my boyfriend and my mother, that actually showed up to help me move, which seems funny and a little ironic. The man, who is causing me all this trouble, is also the man who helped me the most. (The T-man helped a great deal too.)
When the new people show up I find out that they are also being jerked around by my landlord, and so is her boyfriend really, since everyone had to bust their ass but her. All it would have taken was a few phone calls to prevent this conflict, but I guess she doesn’t really think about these things.
So, yeah I got moved in two days, the final day being the worst of it (for obvious reasons). Good bye, and good riddance!
Now, the new place in Hazel Park is really nice and I am gradually unpacking and such, I have about half of it done and I anticipate that most of the rest will be gone through, gotten rid of or put into storage. So, everything settles down and we all get ready for school to start and try to enjoy the rest of our holiday.
Then, the T-man throws a tie rod on our way back from the movies. Freakish, yes, but we were very lucky that it happened where it did, a few blocks away from my house, and not on 696, were we where earlier. We get his towed to a shop. WE go back to my house to get my car, and my car will not start. My ignition is jammed and the key just will not turn. The steering wheel is jammed and the key will not turn. So, we borrow my mom's car (who was over because Alyssa and Joe were getting married in two days) and go wait up by the car for the tow truck to show up. The following day goes by in a pretty uneventful way, but in the following morning we hear....
blubbb, blubbb, blub...blub...blubbbb
Now, I am not a morning person, to which those who know me can attest, so I slept through it at first. "Man, the bathroom is making some weird noises...." (and it had been acting up recently) I go to take my morning pee and find that the bathtub was filled with dank, fetid water and the toilet was backed up with brown, foul, chunky water which had spilled all over the floor, flooded and soaked into the carpet just outside the door. The sink was filled with many, strange objects and clumps of matted, nasty hair that the drain had coughed up. Holy Crap.
I get a plunger, no dice. I call the landlord, no answer. I call my mom, she is still asleep. I then call my Aunt, which was a bold move, but I was getting desperate. I ran upstairs to use Alyssa and Joe’s toilet, and to get their plunger, before they left for their wedding. My Aunt told me that I should go ask the neighbors if they were having trouble, to see if it was a street issue. No one answers their door next door, or on the other side, I go two doors down and meet Paul, who is an electrician and owns half the block, he is also the owner of the cute orange tabby that ahs been hanging out on my porch, and I was wondering if he was a stray....anyway, his son is a plumber and he will send him over when he gets home, if he comes home.
My land lord calls back, he calls a plumber. I wait. A man shows up at the door...
"Oh, are you the plumber?"
"Yeah, I hear you guys are having a problem."
I give this man a tour of the situation, we go into the basement and find out that the fetid water is seeping into the floorboards and leaking into the basement. He goes up to check something and I ask, "So, my landlord called you?"
"Uh, no. I'm the guy who lives next door. Didn't you talk to my dad earlier?"
"Oh. My landlord already called a plumber and he should be here any minute."
So, I call the real plumber, he is a asshole on the phone and says it will be another hour and a half before he gets there. I tell him never mind, he hangs up on me. I call my landlord and tell him that the neighbor is going to do it. I go get him from next door, he goes to get his equipment.
Now, I'm still left with a problem. I don't own a mop. How am I going to deal with the swamp in my bathroom? I get a flash of brilliant inspiration, I open a bag of kitty litter and dump it around the toilet and the floor to soak up the layer of water there. It works like a charm.
The plumber form next door unplugs the pipe, leaving a pile of refuse in my yard and pulls out a huge clump of tree roots that had clogged the main line. They had grown in through the pipe and were feeding off of the nitrogen in our pipe. So, then I had to get dressed up like I was on a nuclear disaster site, and cleaned up the bathroom (with products, and a mop, that my kindly grandfather brought over for me when he heard). Whew.
The next day I get up for work and borrow Alyssa's van to get there. Joe refuses to clean up the mess outside, proclaiming it his honeymoon, and he doesn’t want to do anything but lie around, get laid and play gantlet. I tell him that he needs to do it anyway, unless he feels like walking past a pile of shit every time he goes to his front door. Work is crazy busy, on my way home I pick the T-man up from his mom's house so I can give him a ride to school in the morning when my mom comes to pick us up and on my way back down Lapeer rd, I get a flat tire. I have to call my mom who comes out and call AAA, again, and get her car towed to the nearest shop because none of us(nor the big, burly tank of a cop that stopped to help us) can get the bolts off of the tire. (turns out they were rusted on, and the tire was defective)
We all have to camp out at my mom's now, and get no sleep because my mom got a new cat, who was fighting and running around with Bella all night long.
Then the next day, I drop everyone off at school, then go home and call AAA again for my car. I wait, the guy shows up and refuses to do it, claiming that it is impossible because of where to car is at, and because the wheels are locked to the side. The car is parked behind my new house, on the driveway. So then I have to call AAA again and get a flatbed truck out there, and also request someone with a little more nerve that the last guy. Four hours later, he shows up and I have to help him get the car onto the rig and then off again at the shop. Then I go to class myself, pick everyone else up from school, get some coney island, drop my mom off at her house, pick up some boxes of stuff that I had left there, and drive home.
That was yesterday, and I am still waiting to hear back from the shop about my car. The T-man's repairs are going to cost $1300, and Alyssa's tire repair cost $150. I think my repair will cost about the same.
I can't believe it has only been one week! What a week!
So, 2006 really got off with a bang in my world.
But, outside of calamity, everything is going great!
I like my classes, and will describe them all later.
I think this is enough for now.