Feb 10, 2007 19:40
Though making a list doesn't seem very productive, it does sometimes help to organize my thoughts. So.
To-Do List
- Sculpture altar/box project (Due Thursday)
- Painting #1, currently approx. 60% done ("Due" Wednesday)
- Plan painting #2, rough draft to be finished by next week)
- Stretch canvas, 28" x 30", for painting #2
- Start on homework assignment #2 for Life Drawing (Due Feb. 22?)
- Meet with advisor for grad check
- Stop being broke
- Get back St. George painting and ice skate pastel drawing for Student Exhibition
- Email Susan to get back sumi-e painting from last semester
- Finish last 3 of 10 free sketches for dA.
- Commission for Mom's yahoo! group
- Archer drawing for Athena
- Sculptures for Athena, Anna, and Chris
- Save the world (July 2012)
- other drawing and/or sculpture for Athena
- Stop sucking at Life
- Finish reading Helen of Troy, currently 41.7% done (Due back Feb. 21)
- Continue getting in shape, lose min. 8 lbs. by Spring Break (March 17-ish)
- Social life?
- Make list of places to apply for summer work (March 17-ish)
- Smell the roses? (metaphorically of course, you can really only smell cow here)
- Figure out why I've had a headache on and off for an entire week and MAKE IT STOP (Due ASAP)
- Buy (with scant money reserves) chocolate for SAD chocolate party (Due by Wednesday/Thursday)
D: Oh noes! This list is overpowering and demanding and whelming me over! *panics a bit*
*frantically seaches for a corner to crawl into so as to die in peace*
other things,