OOC Information;
Name; kosy
Personal Journal;
fhroeContact; e-mail (singancy@gmail.com), also linked to my aim account so I can be reached through IM there too | plurk (bearpuns)
Other Characters; N/A
IC Information;
Character Name; Masamune Date (WESTERN ORDER! will introduce himself as "Date Masamune", probably.)
Canon; SENGOKU BASARA. Here is a character page (
http://sengokubasara.wikia.com/wiki/Date_Masamune) along with the main wiki page (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sengoku_Basara), and the anime wiki page (
Canon Point; Post-season 2 of the anime.
Age; 19
House; Thor.
Power; Strength.
Masamune Date's a samurai who's made a pretty good name for himself in his time, both as a young general and a formidable foe, regardless of his age. Known throughout Feudal Japan as the "One-Eyed Dragon", most of his time on screen is spent spouting obscene English phrases in historical Japan ( don't ask us how that works either ) or making lightning fall out of the sky ( don't ask about that either ). If that's not hint enough that Masamune's one hell of a guy, well then. We don't know what is.
Needless to say, however, that even if you take away the Engrish and Lightning, you've still got a pretty striking man. Masamune's the young commander of the Date army, and he's pretty much an eccentric guy in a series full of eccentric guys. Of course, this isn't a bad thing--when it comes to leading, Masamune's got a pretty solid idea on how to do it, judging from the loyalty of his followers. It might have to do with the fact that he's essentially got the qualities of a pretty good leader, both outside and battlefield and inside the battlefield.
To start off, Masamune is more often than not seen taking things a little lightly. He acts cool. It's his style, and he likes to portray that whenever possible. Horse with motorcycle handlebars? Check. Eyepatch? Check. Six swords? Check. When it comes to keeping a cool-head, Masamune's good. Really good. This is mainly due to the fact that he knows he's good. His confidence, while motivational to his troops and slightly admirable to see, can be a bit of a double-edged sword. He's incredibly cocky, with a side of copious amounts of ambition--instead of caution, he'll welcome any big threat with an "oh you came to me so I can beat you up". When Masamune walks into a fight, he walks in fully expecting to win. You'd think you'd be a little scared by a mammoth showing up after you've finished fighting a crapload of armies, but no.
Masamune's got this, guys.
Despite being a bit of a loose cannon, it should be noted that Masamune's a Good Guy. No, really. He'll cooly play off his good tasks whenever possible, but you have to note that he has a whole gang that loves him greatly. While some other generals use fear to surpress their armies, Masamune uses loyalty--every single one of them are prepared to die for him, and he's prepared to fight to hell and back in return. When it comes to trust, once you're pegged as one of his own, you are one of his own. He's dependable and most of the time he trusts that people are the same way to him. He's got a very big "group mentality", where people who're taken in under his care are all worth the same, and no one is disposable.
While he's a bit (very) reckless and prideful when it comes to strategic retreats and giving up fights when he's down, Masamune is by no means unintelligent. He's perceptive and capable of handling tough situations on his own (though that's more of Kojuro, his right-hand man's thing), and more often than not he can see through people's true intentions. Granted, while he's got some capabilities in strategizing, he's by no means a genius in it. He'd much rather prefer to get things done through strength and his own skills, and his tendency to get impulsive when it comes to battle and personal attachments (read: his army). He'll understand situations and respond to them accordingly, but he never really takes or creates the most efficient path on his own. He trusts his army enough to pick up the rest! He just does the hard stuff that needs to be done.
Besides that, though, Masamune's kind of a pleasant guy. He never has malicious intentions--in fact, meet him and he'll be casual and friendly, if not a little weird (because really, he's a samurai spouting engrish phrases and dressed like... he's dressed), but never really mean. Despite his "cool" behaviour, he's got a fair bit of energy for the things he's interested in, and he shows it. Cooly.
And that, friends, is the One-Eyed Dragon.