All doctors are sadists

Mar 03, 2006 12:15

Yesterday was a day from hell ... and today's not looking good, either.

Wednesday night, Kieran was feeling sick. She had thrown up twice at daycare, and that evening, she was vomiting (in a projectile fashion) EVERYTHING she ate. Then, I couldn't get her to eat for 12 hours - this is weird for a kid who eats every two hours. She also had diarrhea and a fever of 101, so on Thursday, I took her to the doctor. The doctor was concerned that it could be one of three types of viruses, or something called pyloric stenosis (that's what they call it when the valve that goes between your esophagus and stomach decides that 'none shall pass'), so she sent us to UW Children's Hospital where we spent the better part of the rest of the day. THEY WERE SO MEAN TO HER!! They catheterized her (unsuccessfully, at first, because they tried to use a catheter that was too big and made her bleed), then they strapped her arm to a little board and drew blood and then put an IV in her - all of this in addition to the other poking, prodding, and general invasion that doctors usually engage in - AND they wouldn't let her eat! She was starving, and crying, and they didn't seem to realize that the fact that she finally had an appetite was a good thing. So they made her wait another TWO HOURS, and then they wanted me to give her 5 mLs of Pedialyte every 5 minutes (which apparently tasted terrible, because after the first attempt, she wouldn't even open her mouth for it). Finally, they let me feed her, and she managed to keep everything down, although she did still have the diarrhea and fever. There was also a great deal of disorganization among the many people who were coming in to check her.

Six hours later, when they finally let us leave, they had decided that it is probably an intestinal virus and will just have to run its course.

I do appreciate that the doctors were simply erring on the side of caution and that they really don't deserve any blame in this situation, but JESUS CHRIST! ... the fact remains that they hurt my beautiful, wonderful, sweet little girl - and that makes them jerks, as far as I'm concerned.

Overall, she's doing better today - still has the diarrhea and a bit of a fever, and a diminished appetite, but she is eating, and seems to be reasonably hydrated.

I'm so glad that she's alright, but I hate that she's sick at all. I feel so guilty that she has to go to daycare now, because I know that's where she got sick and that this is just the first of many such events to come. She has no immune system to defend against the petri dish of a daycare.

Anyway, my ranting is done. A while ago, I promised to post pictures of her, but I never got around to finding a free website where I could conveniently post her pictures, so if you would like to see pictures of her, just leave a comment, and I will email them to you.


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