[OOC] Permissions

Aug 24, 2010 21:08

Backtagging: Always.
Threadhopping: Within reason. I'll usually be okay with it, but if you're not sure, just ask me. I'll usually say yes.
Fourthwalling: Again, within reason. If in doubt, ask.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): As related to OOC conversation? Probably best to avoid it unless we know each other well and understand each other's boundaries. However, in reference to IC things, I cannot think of a single offensive topic that I would protest to Sol being exposed to.

Hugging this character: Feel free. However, if she's not fully comfortable with your character, you can expect her to be very prickly about it. If she is comfortable with them, she'll probably just be awkward and a little gruff.
Kissing this character: For kisses on the cheek, etc, the same as above applies. I'm okay with it if your character wants to plant one on her lips, too, but expect a more aggressive reaction. And not in the sexy way. Depending on who your character is, this may or may not involve punching.
Flirting with this character: Go for it. However, in all likelihood she'll roll her eyes and respond dismissively.
Fighting with this character: That's fine. However, I'd prefer if we talked about it beforehand. Also note that Sol is one of the most powerful characters in her canon, and while she rarely makes use of the full extent of her capabilities, she's no push over.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I have no problem with this so long as you talk to me first. I do ask that there not be any permanent maiming or permanently debilitating injuries (ex: paralysis), though. But beyond that, go wild!
Killing this character: Maybe. Talk to me first. N-not really relevant to Bete Noire but I figured I'd leave it in anyway.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sol doesn't have any kind of defense against these things, so yeah, that's fine.

✧ Sol is not a nice person. Be aware that your character butting heads with her is not unlikely.
✧ She also has a tendency to respond with violence when she perceives someone as standing in the way of her accomplishing her goals. She has little patience for "obstacles," so anyone acting as one gets one warning before she attempts to forcibly remove them.
✧ Sexism, misogyny, and gender roles are very sore points for her, and as such expressing sexist opinions will set her off very quickly.
✧ And, finally, she will not be happy if you attempt to touch/take/remove her sword or headband without permission. You don't need my permission to do it, but be aware that she will probably respond to that with violence, too~

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!

*permissions, !ooc

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