Today was the annual Antique and Craft Fair up in Walnut Creek. I'd been contacted through Etsy about this and had decided why not, I'll give it a go. Well.... I don't think I'll be going back. Mainly because I didn't sell ANYTHING. Technically I sold one item, but it was a Red Cross donation item.
(Plus, I'm pretty sure we were being messed with. Metaphysically.)
Okay, the day started out way, waaaaay too early, and we stumbled out and drove the hour up to Walnut Creek, on the way skirting by a guy in an over-packed SUV who was falling asleep at the wheel. It was thankfully not as hot today as it was yesterday, though it was plenty uncomfortable in the sun. But it was WINDY. And we discovered that my displays have some pretty big issues with wind. But we got it up and mostly secured, aside from one big topple of a display that was mostly bags and other soft items.
The wind backed off about mid-morning, but the whole day it was ... messing with us. Die down and then gust up. Gust in from one side and then come back in the other. Flip the table covering over the first few earring stands (
these little dancer stands). Ripple the covering so that a little cascade of the stands fell, usually in such a way that the earrings looped around each other (and the stands) and had to be untangled. I started joking that Loki or some other trickster god was hanging around.
And then we get to the end of the day. The fair was officially over at 4:00, but other tables were starting to pack up as early as 2:00 or so. We'd had such little traffic that we were talking about leaving early as well, but I wanted to wait until 3:00 in case of last-minute shoppers. So it went something like this:
"You could probably start packing up."
"I want to wait until at least 3:00."
"You could at least get those earrings that keep blowing over."
"Yeah okay."
I put them on their storage tray, a mesh document stand, but keep it on the table.
Bit later:
"Let's start taking it down."
"It's not 3:00 yet, it's only 10-till."
EVERYTHING on that table - including the items that hadn't been having problems - blew onto the ground.
".. okay, I guess we're doing it now."
That was the heralding of the wind coming back full strength and giving us hell the whole time we were packing up. Like I said, it was messing with us. Add to that the one and possibly two bees that got trapped in our bins...
Well, it was entertaining. But like I said, I don't think I'll be going back.
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