Aug 16, 2007 16:57
I can't believe it'll be back to BG in less than a week. Guess life just can't be put on pause, can it?
It's been an odd summer for me, what with all that's changed in just the last few months. Seems like life's entirely been flipped upside down from where it began when the summer started. But, I guess change is sometimes good, if a little awkward at times. So, guess it's time for the big summer recap. Yay!
- My brother moved out. I suppose this is the biggest thing that's happened. I've always wondered what it's like to be an only child, and my conclusion is that it's pretty much great. Nobody complaining at me anymore, fewer arguments, and just plain more time to myself, to do the things I want without feeling like everybody else is being put out. I think my parents were right in saying that it would be the best thing for everybody.
- I found a job and am still currently holding it. It's kinda nice, the hours have been just a tad insane though, what with working almost 40 hours a week. Plus there's a ton of drama, constant changes in the staff back in electronics, and continual loss of air conditioning. But, I'm almost 2,000 bucks richer for working for just about two and a half months, which is probably pretty good.
- I'm still with Casey. It's got it's ups and downs (currently it's a bit of a down, but, I guess it doesn't help that we both just can't seem to get over some of the stuff in our pasts), but, it's been kinda nice to have somebody.
- I got a new Nintendo DS lite. Yeah, sorry John, but, I kinda had to sell the one I bought from you because it just wasn't as awesome as the newer models are. Guess you knew that when you sold it to me, though. Plus there was a pixel going out on the screen, and we all know just how well a person with a severe case of OCD can handle something like that.
- New pets galore. My aquarium's entirely different now, and is a home for a pair of guppies, a kuhli loach, 2 apple snails, and two amano shrimp, not to mention all the great plants it's currently been planted with. It's beautiful, relaxing, and I am obsessed with it. I'll post some pics soon I think, so I can share it with you all.
- I've got a new post at the herp lab - caretaker of baby cornsnakes. I'll be in there tuesday and thursday afternoons, so just stop by and I'll be happy to get you out something to hold. Nobody there was upset that I didn't make it in all summer either.
- I never did get into ARTC 413. Those of you who did, I'm really jealous, and I hopefully can take it next fall. Please tell me how it is, and I'll envy you greatly.
So, I guess that's all that's happened lately. I've spent a ton of late nights out driving and listening to the wood frogs and various inscets calling, and I guess I can say I'm okay with all that's happened. It's a good life I've been living, I gotta say. Get in touch with me, everybody! We'll hang out this fall!