August 2020 update

Aug 18, 2020 01:56

Hello Everyone.
First, sorry for the delayed update. We know how the world is all turned  inside out lately. Along with personal issues.  If you don't mind about  that, you can go straight to the update at the bottom.
Plenty of originals and remakes, resample and Corona themed transformations.  Enjoy the update.

As for the delay... Things after the previous update were a bit...  disappointing. First, just a few weeks before the previous update, 2 of our roommate  for Furnal Equinox dropped, with the courtesy furries are known of, that  they were rooming with someone else. Straight like that, and with no  follow up because that would lead to dispute.
 At first, I didn't bother much. I had vacation coming in. I should have  time to find other people. But as the time come close, no feedback from  them and the search went bad.  Only 'avail abilities' were murrsuiter  and other people like that. Considering the extra rooming was gonna cost  me, I had serious doubt with the convention, but didn't felt like  bailing on the remaining roommate the way I was bailed out.
But with the spring break over, with the Corona Virus outbreak starting,  and being put at home quarantine for 2 weeks after returning from the  break, I was having doubt even more about the convention.  And so was my  roommate.
In the end, we cancelled out the room 2 days before the con announced it was being cancelled for 2020.
And this whole ordeal kind of make me reconsider Furnal Equinox. I want  to go to convention to meet friends and relax. Not being thrown under  the bus like a mere commodity. Nor having to fight to get a room. And  with the stuff I carry, sketchbooks, suit, I don't really want a side  hotel and carry all my stuff. Nor walk 2-3 bloc each time I want to  rest. Especially with 800 km drive to and from the convention.

After the convention ordeal, Corona hit in force.  While I was put in  quarantine at home right after getting back to work, it turned out that  the whole office got closed 2 days after. Thankfully, the company I work  at is able to practically work fully in remote work mode.
And rather that work alone, we decided it would be better if I move with  the family for the duration of the shutdown. And maybe even more if  remote work stay.  That also mean moving some stuff there. And sadly, my  site storage at that location wasn't as optimal as at home to work on  update.
Samba is still a pain and after many attempts, I can't get full speed as  I get at home. This slowed down the update too, as I had to test,  upgrade, downgrade the backup server trying to find out why SAMBA is so  slow here, but not at home.

And I will admin, transformation motivation has been low community wise.  And to be honest, it has been since I decided to move back to  Furaffinity. With DeviantArt being practically dead, there isn't much  place to look for transformation materials. And on Furaffinty,  transformation arts under that category seem to be more about some weird  paraphilias with transformations rather than transformation itself.
The sheer amount of goro, deformity, malformation and more disorders in  arts, mislabelled as transformation, have been decreasing my interest in  what the transformation community has been producing. To a point that  people seem to be more interested in focusing on chest cysts, testicular  hernia, dysmelia in general as 'art style, etc.
Mind you, I'm still a fan of transformations. There are transformation  to be found outside of the community and this update is part of it. But  at this point, I kind of lost my interest in commissioning other  transformations artists. Either because of the above, or it's become a  fight to even get a spot.  When you have to bid for a spot, or be part  of Patreon to get a spot, people like me will always be penalized  against someone living in a country who don't have a 30-35% currency  difference.
But if you have artists you would recommend, or even recommend yourself,  who don't belong to the above, feel free to drop me a comment or  private message.

In any case, back at the update. Thing should be a bit better, but I don't expect full speed until 2021.
And as usual, support are always appreciate. If you want to chip in, feel free to drop by the Supporters page.
I'm looking for someone who can Facerig compatible rigged 3D model. If  you are or know someone who can do it, let me know. I want to commission  a Facerig Dragoniade.
Or any fan arts of Dragoniade or me transforming.
And with, BIG thanks to the 5 donators since the last update.

5,61 GB of clips;
26 shows updated or added;
226 Transformation clips;
40 Scene clips

Until next time

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