Bleh. Back from training all week in Cincinnati -- with any luck, I'll have letters that I can put after my name, soon. If we passed, they'll tell us within two weeks by mailing us a certificate. If we failed, they'll email us after they grade the test. =\ I wish they'd email us either way.
At any rate, it was fun enough. The instructor was odd -- rather vocally liberal, which was unusual to get in a professional development setting. But he was also a complete nerd, which isn't surprising. He linked the
xkcd comic from yesterday, so I got to see it even without having a computer along. I was amused. :D
As long as I'm posting xkcd, I should include the
silly recent one that references
one of the poems I've always loved.
Not too much else happening at the moment -- hitting a Haunted House tonight with some coworkers. We were supposed to go last week, but everybody had things to do, last moment. The unfortunate thing here is that now I'm still kinda fried from the week and just wanting to blah without having to talk with people. Oh well. It'll still be fun, I'll just need to remember to bring something for the inevitable headache.
Need to sleep better, too. =\ This up-every-few-hours thing is really seriously getting old.