Antelope Valley Pagan Pride Day

Sep 16, 2010 20:09

This next Saturday Sept 25 is our Pagan Pride event. We have worked hard on it and it should be a blast. Hopefully we get good attendance!!!

What the Fae are Really Like
A workshop on what fairies are really like and why they are definitely not humans. What you should know when dealing with the Fae.

Nan Edwards Boyster is the Chieftess of Hrafn Skjoldr, an Asatru Kindred, and was raised in a Welsh Family Tradition that dealt heavily with the Fae.

2pm-2:45pm, outdoor workshop area
Intro to Asatru
Learn more about the path of the Northern Tradition, also known as Asatru, Forn Sed, Heathenry,and other names.

Hauk Heimdallsman has been a dedicated Asatruar for over a decade. He
is most well known for his contributions to modern Heathen music, but
has also had essays on Heathen topics published by multiple Heathen
organizations. Hauk is a proud member of Heimdall’s Lur Kindred.

The Power of Real Hypnosis
In this presentation, Donald will reveal the amazing truth about the power of real hypnosis. You'll discover what hypnosis really is and perhaps more importantly what it is not. No, hypnosis is not like what you see in the movies or on TV. It cannot turn you into a mindless zombie. Rather, it's an incredible way to harness the deepest recesses of your mind to help you achieve your goals. It is so powerful in this that it seems to work like fact, you'll also learn how to use hypnosis to enhance any of your magickal work. You'll experience what hypnosis is like without being hypnotized, and if you want, you can safely experience real hypnosis, too!

Donald Michael Kraig is an internationally known occult lecturer and author of such books as Tarot & Magic, Modern Sex Magick, and Modern Magic.k Donald has been thoroughly trained in hypnosis and has been certified as a hypnotherapist by three certification bodies. He holds numerous advanced certificates in clinical hypnotherapy, is certified as a teacher of hypnosis, and is a .master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Primrose Room in Larry Chimbole Center- across the parking lot, in the building where the restrooms are.

"So what is a Pagan anyway?"
This workshop is a brief overview of what it is to be a Pagan, what we are and what we are not. Ever wonder why the Witch is green? Have I got a compelling story for you. A brief history of paganism will be included.

Cyndia has been a magical being all her life but started serious study in 1985. She is a former member of Covenant of the Goddess and is now the Elder High Priestess of Clan of the Desert Oak. Teaching the public since 2001, she fought for pagan rights and has been reading tarot, for the public, since 1991.
Shifting Worldviews and Honring the Isis Return
Lecture and interactive workshop on the paradigm shift and the new balance of power between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, assimilate as center.
Lady Oxannamoon aka Angela is a hereditary shamanic witch, and the founder and High Priestess of The Inner Temple, and on staff at the Metaphysical University.

Visceral Magic
Ever had a “gut-feeling” that a spell is going to work, before you’ve even finished doing it? Learn how to use your visceral self to empower your magick.

A Brit of Welsh extraction living in Los Angeles, Peter Paddon is an author, publisher, videographer, podcaster, and Magister of Briar Rose, a company of modern cunningfolk.

Greek Nature Deities and Gaia Conciousness
While the primary deities of the ancient Greeks were the twelve Olympians, there were numerous lesser deities, daimons and heroes also enjoying patronage. The polytheistic and animistic world of the ancient Greeks pulsed with life. The world ocean was Okeanos, the earth was the goddess Gaia, the four winds were gods, as were the rivers, and springs were divine nymphs.
Today, Gaia Consciousness is manifesting as the environmental movement, earth-based spirituality, and a trend towards seeking unity within diversity.
Workshop will include an invocation to the Greek Nymphs.

Tony Mierzwicki
Tony has been practicing ceremonial magick since 1990. He has been running regular workshops and rituals recreating ancient magickal practices in the United States and on the east coast of Australia since 2001.
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