6/13/10 On the way home fromTrothMoot

Jun 13, 2010 14:12

As it was last year, really a great group if people. Volkshof kindred is a tight knit team and it was great to see them work so well as a team. They make their own sausage and provided some amazing wurst and sauerkraut for Sat. feast. The site was gorgeous! It rained all but one day but not too hard or long. :). Diana asked John and I to help ward for their seidh. Rod Landreth gave an amazing workshop on Building Thew and Mark Stinson did a workshop too on starting a kndred. He also performed the Voluspa for Skaldic competition. It was great to see some new faces and reconnect with others and also to meet some face to face that I hadn't met but online. Got to see Hauk! Yay.
Also I was apparently elected to the High Rede.. I am still suprised and honored. Hail Odin!


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