Nov 17, 2008 16:49
In retrospect, not so sure it's a good idea- read comments below, but passing it along just the same.
I’m straight but not narrow- this is a good idea!
Hey Everyone,
Please read the e-mail below. It originated in San Diego but the more participation we can get the more effective it will be. I know I will be staying home that day, maybe having a mid day BBQ with some friends. What you do with the information is up to you, if it is not something you can participate in (and I do understand with the economy the way it is, not all of us have vacation/sick days to use) pass it on to everyone people that may be interested.
A Day Without Gays is a political statement that must be made in response to the millions of voters who helped pass Proposition 8 in California . Apparently those over 5 million voters forgot on election day that we are their family, their friends, their colleagues and most importantly their customers! Starting this year and hopefully every year from now on, we as the gay and straight supporters of No on Prop 8, are going to take one day off a year in solidarity and support of being equal in our lives .
We need to show those Yes on 8 supporters that we are a force to be reckoned with and we will not be subservient and sit idle just waiting for the next elect ion to get our day of equality for all! So December 5, 2008, one month after the fateful elect ion please call in GAY ( since they think it's an illness anyways) take the day off of work, save your errands for another day and get together with your friends and your family in support on No on Prop 8, and EQUALITY for all!
* **As a side note, if you can't take the day off we understand ! Just please please please, shop at gay supportive / friendly stores and make sure you promote this to every one you know. .. bulletin, blog, email , text. ... The whole point is to show the rest of the world that we will not support you or your business, if you do not support equal ity! We are also working with gay frien dly companies in SD to " hire a gay for a day" If you cannot afford to take the day off, local businesses will let you come and work for them for the day to make up that lost cash.
a full list will be posted soon" ***
prop 8,