Pics from War

May 28, 2008 11:06

Are available on my myspace page. I tried to get them up via photobucket but it just wasn't letting me. Pooh.
and click on SCA War pictures

True story- my son is doing a project on early explorers for social studies in his 4th grade class. He had to present it today. So I printed photos, gave him my ebony lucet, and some frankincense and myrrh, and he's going to talk about the Norse traders, the lucet to show how Vikings (Norsemen or Northmen, Normans) made their ropes, and show the ebony wood that Egyptians traded for, along with the spices. He has photos of himself fighting, of my husband and myself, and our booth (pavilion). My husband went with him to help him present his project and he said that it was a big hit in the classroom and the kids wished he'd brought his boffer sword to show. We didn't bring anything weapon like knowing that kids just have to swing a sword. So hopefully this will help his grades. The teacher said, "Did you make this for the project?" "Uh, no this is what we do on weekends. Heh." Either way, I think Corwyn was suprised at how much he really does know about medieval times, growing up in the SCA. :)

school, sca, war, son

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