Jul 19, 2008 07:44
This last week has been very long for me. Work has been full of annoying little problems. Parts of my family have offended me immensely. My Grandma went into surgery to remove a mass from one of her kidneys last week thursday. My cousins Gina and Jolie were supposed to take turns staying with her for a week since the doc (in his infinite wisdom) decided that she didn't need a to spend time at a home recovering under close supervision. The first day BOTH of them skipped out because they didn't want to listen to her complaints.
Turns out...that she had a real problem. One that could have either made her very sick, or killed her if left ignored too long. And all she needed was an item that cost three or four items at the store. Fortunately...my Mom was on top of things. So she and I have been keeping an eye on my Grandma...
Today...I woke up feeling quite good. And with exactly that creative feeling that gets me the best results when I want to work on plot lines for game...
And yes...I will be running game tonight. And I don't intend to wait around for those who are going to show late, or not at all. So be here at six and I shall begin. With whom ever is there. Even if it's only one person.
Next week I'll be taking a break from running the Kinslayer. Seems AB is feeling creative himself and wishes to run a 4th edition game alternating with me. With is good. Should keep me safe from burn out.
And now that I've vented and announced...I go now to scribble.
role playing games