I'm at my dad's right now, with Robyn. Dad and Donna and the kids are off to church and stuff. Robyn and I helped him keep the lil brats under control last night while Donna was at a sort of Christmas party. Dad's arm is messed up right now from surgery and stuff, so he wanted us around in case something physically needed to get done, and it was nice for us to have his authoritative presence while we babysat. Plus, we get money for cigarettes. Always important.
I realized that today that my dad was the age I am now when he married my mom and conceived me. So that's proof we can still make horrible mistakes in our mid-20s, and we also make some really great accidents, too. LOL.
I'm not actually an accidental baby. My parents weren't quite planning on having a kid yet (my mom's third and my father's first), but they were going to pretty soon. They certainly didn't know what they were getting into, though. All those operations I had to have in my infancy. Heart defect.
I read some articles about Magic: The Gathering last night (I realized that
wikipedia must have
a pretty good section on it) and also realized how little I really understand the game. There are things I know well, but I often don't recognize significance in certain cards when they first come out. I still don't know what Necropotence is so great for.
Anyway, babysitting the kids, I look at my dad and can't believe he does it every day. I definitely need to mature a lot before I can have any kids of my own (just another reason to add to a long list, really), because I definitely need breaks from it. I could not handle it 24/7 365.