I don't know what's so fucking special about
Ghost World by Daniel Clowes.
enidenvy, you're probably going to be pissed at me.
I just sat down and read this 80-page graphic novel and it was obnoxious. I hated the characters. They were completely self-absorbed idiots who had no clue whatsoever about themselves or their lives. Maybe it's like some bizarre female modern-day Catcher in the Rye.
Now, I liked the movie when I saw it two years ago. I liked the fact that they weren't afraid to make the protagonist so deeply flawed. And then the comic was almost nothing like the movie I saw at all, which was fine, except that the book sucked and was boring.
The two main characters prattled on about nothing, they were purposelessly vulgar and cruel. The main character especially was fickle and flakey. Obsessed with her image as if it was important in any way. Like she needed to "be" something, something that everyone would see.
Oh, and she was a man-hater basically because she had no self-esteem whatsoever and hated herself and thought she didn't deserve any man's attention, so she hated them for not liking her, even though they did. No, to assuage her horrible self-image, she convinced herself that all the boys were idiots and boring and fixated on some ideal of a teacher she once had, and the amalgamation of aspects of a person that would never exist.
It sucked and I hated it.
David Boring was great, though, and shows me that Clowes matured and developed.