Kouga's Absence

May 30, 2011 01:46

Ok so sorry I've not updated things before now, but here is what is happening. Oh the first of may Kouga got in a bad car accident that broke both her ankles, her right femer, four of her ribs, her left arm, and lacerated her liver needless to say it wasn't pretty. She had surgery on the first and got a nail in her thigh, plates/screws in both ankles, and an external fixator on the right one, along with a splint on her arm.

On the third she had a second surgery and the doc took the external fixator off along with working on the tendons in her right ankle. She left the hospital on the 9th and was transfered to a nursing home due to being unable to go to rehab as she can't weight bear on her three broken limbs.

On the 17th she went back to the doc for a follow up where he sais she needed a /third/ surgery on her right ankle because it had slipped out of place and her arm needed to have the break reduced again because it too had slipped so back Kouga went to the hospital on the 19th. There she ended up getting the external fixator back on her right ankle and the doc decided he had to put a plate in her arm in short he completely undid the three weeks of healing both already had been through. Kouga was then forced to stay in the hospital again until the 23rd when she was returned to the nursing home once more.

In shot her right arm works fine, but her left is basically useless for typing right now and she can't walk at all or even get out of bed without help.

Kouga goes back to see doc again on the 1st of june and she is hoping he has good news for her left foot at least. It won't help with her typing sadly, but only time will help that right now. Instead it would help Kouga feel better cause right now she seems to stay simi-depressed due to all this mess, but she is trying to write some still it is just taking longer.

So yes Kouga just wanted to let everyone know *crosses her fingers and toddles off hoping her porn in the sun beta gets back to her soon or she is going to try and find a new one*

update, meme

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