Title: Blood On My Hands
dragongirl997 Prompt Number: 477 submitted by
sans_grace Kink Showcased: knife/blood play
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Hermione
Summary: Harry hasn’t been the same since the end of the triwizard tournament. Between Cedric’s death, the ritual that followed, his dual with Voldemort, his time with the Dursleys he just isn’t quite the same but Harry seems to be the only one to realize it.
Warnings: Mind Manipulation, Bondage, Eventual NonCon in the Knife/Blood Play
Word Count: 2600~
Author's Notes: The title for this comes form the song of the same name by The Used. Also while I didn’t entirely mean for it to when I claimed the prompt this goes along with my prompt from week one ‘Breaking a Mudblood’.
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