Neurotically Yours - ch 1

Jun 15, 2010 01:20

Fandom: Harry Potter
Summery: What if everything in Harry’s life ended up making the boy savior a bit more then slightly insane? What could have happened with a wizard as power as him running around not being right in the head. Would he be another dark lord? A light wizard?
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter and as all you would get by suing me is a handful of pocket lint you can wisely assume I’m making nothing from this either… Also don’t own Foamy and anything you see that reminds you of it doesn’t belong to me as well…

Author’s Note: Ok first just wanna give my normal AU/AR warning. Also this is at least simi based on the Fomay flash called “Writer’s Block” cause it was what gave me the idea and that at the very least the fic name is a quote directly taken from the flash. Also I know I said no more new fics until I finished some of the ones I had going sorry I lied, but I couldn’t help it The Muse Bunny made me do it *nods*… I can tell you though that is going to have weekly updates for those interested cause it is for a contest for that site and one of the requirements is to have a chapter up each week.

Author’s note 2: Ok before I start here I want to let everyone know this before hand, but for this fic I see Harry as suffering from a form of Stockhold Syndrome when it comes to the Dursleys and their treatment of him. They are not overly abusive to him, but Vernon is rough in his treatment of him and that does include simi starving him, but never anything beyond a bit physical and a lot emotional there is /nothing/ sexual. He does do most of the chores including the cooking so he does have numerous scars from burns and things of that like, but the Dursleys themselves have never given him any direct physical scars. Dudley does have ‘Harry Hunting’ but they have never given him anything beyond bruises or a bloody nose and Harry is sure he deserves it because he has upset his cousin, aunt, or uncle because he does tend to do that often with accidental magic. Just wanted to toss this out to give everyone a bit of info on Harry’s thoughts/actions; He is trying to please the Dursleys because they are his family so if they are mean to him he must deserve it in some way.

The wiki article can be found here: for anyone who wants more info. I realize this isn’t a ‘perfect’ case of it, but that is why I said it was a form of it. So yes there we go…


As soon as he was old enough to understand Harry had been informed of everything. Before then he had always been told to be grateful for what he had because they were being kind in letting him have it, even in letting him live, but it wasn’t until then that the then eight year old had a real idea. His aunt and uncle had told both him and Dudley about how his parents had been killed and about how he had been left on the door stop with nothing but a short note. When he asked about the note he was told that it said that no one wanted him so he was being given to his aunt and uncle. They made sure that day that he ‘properly’ understood that no one wanted him and that if they hadn’t been kind enough to keep him he would have died. It was not long after that day that things started to change.

He was slowly given more and more chores and Dudley started making more demands of him. While Harry was kept busy he was rather bright and quickly picked things up in school unlike his cousin who struggled and was far more content to pick on the younger children then to do his work. So Harry was recruited to do Dudley’s work more often then not which meant that Harry’s own work suffered, but he didn’t much care. He wanted to keep his family happy so he did his chores and Dudley’s work without any complaint not wanting to upset them. He didn’t want them to turn him out, he would die and he didn’t want that in the least.

The new couple years passed in that way. Harry doing most of the work around the house, Harry doing very little of his own school work outside of school and instead doing Dudley’s, and Harry getting very little reword for it but he was always found beaming when he was praised by his aunt and uncle and could be found usually holed up somewhere crying when he displeased them. He was always left without food when he displeased them, but he didn’t mind it was only right after all he didn’t deserve food if he upset his family. It was the same with his sleeping arrangements: he slept in the little cupboard under the stairs when he had upset them and in the smallest bedroom when he had been a good boy. He tried do very hard to be a good boy too because he didn’t want them angry with him.

It was a week before his eleventh birthday that things took a turn. His family had decided to take a trip before the new school year started in a couple months that was what had brought them to this small cabin in the middle of a lake. It wasn’t nearly what they had been expecting and his aunt and uncle were even more displeased about it because of the strange letters that had arrived bearing Harry and Dudley’s name the past two days. He didn’t know what they were about and didn’t know who would be writing him since no one wanted him and he really was just lucky that his aunt and uncle let him live with them and his cousin watched after him at school and made sure none of the other bullies picked on him. Still who ever it was though was writing to Dudley too and his aunt and uncle didn’t seem happy about it.

He curled up under the thread bear blanket that he had been given as he lay next to the couch where his Cousin had fallen asleep a couple hours ago thinking. He didn’t know why those letters were addressed to him, but they had upset his family and he didn’t like that at all. Still he knew he wouldn’t find any answers tonight, but that didn’t seem to convince his mind to calm. Harry ended up laying on the dusty floor for the better part of another hour before he finally managed to calm his mind by going over some of the math he had learned least year.

He woke when the sun hit his face though one of the small windows in the cabin and he made to pull himself up out of habit more then anything before he realized that there would be no chores today. He shifted for some time before managing to return to a fitful sleep, he didn’t feel right without his chores how was he to help out his family?

He managed to get a bit more sleep but the sound of his aunt and uncle moving around had him awake again and on his feet in short order. His blanket was quickly moved into a corner out of the way and his cousin was woken and told that his parents were awake so he could start waking himself because they would surely all be wanting food and he needed his cousin awake before he could serve it. He would find some way to get something cooked for them as soon as he could though he wasn’t sure how.

The next few days passed in the same way with the exception of more letters for him and Dudley finding them. Harry didn’t know how, but it made his aunt and uncle even more upset and Dudley was nearly as worried over them as he was. As he lay awake trying to think he happened to glance at his cousin’s wrist catching the time on his digital watch, one minute till he turned eleven. He couldn’t help a sigh at that thought. He knew he wouldn’t get any presents and really he didn’t mind, his family did enough by just letting him live with them and giving him food to eat he didn’t need anything else, but he couldn’t help but worry about an odd feeling that told him that somehow tomorrow was going to be an even worse day then the past few.

Not even a minute after midnight harry was proven right when a banging started on the cabin door that soon sent it too the floor taken clean off its hinges. He was pressed against the wall farthest from the door beside his cousin when the hulking giant of a man came in calmly lifting the door and putting it back. Not even a minute later his uncle and aunt came into the room, his uncle had a gun aimed on the strange man in short order and Harry couldn’t help the thought that wondered where Vernon had gotten a gun.

When the stranger turned around completely bypassing his aunt and uncle instead turning his gaze straight on him Harry froze staring up at the very large man and trying very hard to melt into the wall. He didn’t know who this man was, but he shouldn’t be here that much the eleven year old did know after all his uncle looked very angry and his aunt very scared. No this man just couldn’t be good and shouldn’t be here or they wouldn’t be acting like that.

The grin that spread over his face under the scraggly beard only scared him more it made the giant look half crazed in his opinion. Then he opened his mouth and Harry was well and truly on the verge of passing out in fright, this man knew him? How did this giant of a man know him? Why had he come here? What did he want? He shook his head when the man mentioned something about some place called Hogwarts blinking at the man like he had grown a second head when he questioned if Harry didn’t wonder where his parents had learned it all. Curiosity pressing away the fear for the moment he questioned the man wanting to know what it was Lilly and James had learned. Harry frowned at the giant when he told him that he was a wizard, he already knew that his aunt and uncle had told him that, he didn’t see what that had to do with Hogwarts or learning though and told the man as much.

The man produced a letter at that point like the ones that had been following them this week which only caused Harry to pale and shake his head holding up his hands as he informed the man he didn’t know what the letter was, but he didn’t want it. Harry couldn’t help being beyond grateful when his uncle spoke up at that point saying that he wasn’t going to be going and Harry’s eyes widened and he whimpered when the man bent his uncle’s gun. The green eyed boy decided then and there that this ‘Rebeus Hagrid’ was not someone he liked, in fact he was quite scary and Harry wanted as far away from him as he could get. When it seemed like the giant man was only making his uncle even more angry Harry finally decided that maybe he should speak up and try to find a way to end this. “Uncle Vernon? Maybe it would be good if I went. He said that they can do funny stuff too. Maybe they could help me learn to make mind stop.” He ventured carefully just trying to make the man go away so his uncle would be ok again.

His uncle’s face was turning red now though and the giant man was giving him a look that he couldn’t interpret, but he didn’t care too either. “Dudley got a letter to from them didn’t he? So maybe if we both go he’ll never do any of the funny stuff because he’ll know how not to, then we can both come back and be lots more normal cause we’ll know how to stop it.” He added after a moment which did give his uncle pause for which he was glad. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia seemed to talk it over for several long moments before agreeing because after all their precious Dudley couldn’t be a freak and he would learn to act normal. He was glad that that settled things, but he wasn’t so glad when the giant moved to the couch at that point and settled in for sleep. His aunt and uncle went back to the other room, but he moved to where Dudley was between him and the giant man before they both settled on the floor trying to return to sleep.

The next day the ‘Hagrid’ as he insisted on being called took him and Dudley to London to apparently get their school supplies, but Harry to say the least wasn’t at all happy nor impressed. When they got to the leaky caldron and all the people present decided that he was some sort of amusement and wanted to shake his hand he couldn’t help moving behind his cousin. He could see the disappointment on some of the faces but he couldn’t care less: he didn’t know these people and they didn’t want him not really so why should he care if he bothered them. Besides if they ‘cared’ about him then why wouldn’t they do what he wanted which was to leave him alone? He just wanted to stay with Dudley and make sure his cousin was, and stayed, happy.

They made a trip to a Gringotts, Harry once more all but melting into his cousin’s side at the site of the goblins, where Harry found out that he had some money. They left Dudley in the lobby when he and Hagrid went with Griphook and got into the vaults. He couldn’t help but to be impressed by the amount of money in his vault, but at the same time he was sure it was one of the reasons his aunt and uncle were kind enough to let him stay with them, sure they had access to this.

They ended up spending the better part of the day there which Harry was not at all glad for. Their first trip with to a place to get robes called Madam Malkin’s ‘robes for every occasion’ apparently. There was only one other there a blond haired boy that both he and Dudley soon decided that they liked. He might not be too nice, but he didn’t like Hagrid or so he declared when the giant of a man came back from the Leakey Caldron and having a drink or two; Apparently he didn’t like the Gringotts carts. When he went to leave the boy paused holding out his hand with a “Draco Malfoy” taking both of their hands in turn and nodding as they returned the greeting saying that he would meet them on the train on September first unless they wanted away from Hagrid then he would be glad to make his Father take them for the rest of their shopping as he had just started as well.

Neither boy knew how hard it was for Draco to be nice to Dudley once he figured out that he was not even a halfblood, but a Mudblood all they knew was that it was someone willing to get them away from the rather scary Hagrid. Dudley had agreed rather easily glad to be away from the door breaking loon and Harry had agreed because well he wasn’t going to leave Dudley’s side. Hagrid hadn’t at all like their new arrangement, but when Harry said it meant that he could get back to Dumbledore with what ever it was that was so important the giant hadn’t been able to argue with him. Once he had left though Dudley did ask him what he was talking about so he told Dudley about the what ever that Hagrid had picked up in Gringotts not caring that both Draco and his father overheard. Sure Hagrid had said not to mention it, but he didn’t like the large man so why should he do what he said especially when it was Dudley that wanted to know?

Now that they had robes Lucius, as Draco’s dad had said they could call him, decided that their next stop should be for wands. That ended up to be a rather long stop too which in the end resulted with three wands. For Draco a 10” Hawthron with unicorn tail hair; Harry got a 11” Holly and phoenix tail feather which made Ollivander hum around a lot before Dudley cut him off getting his 13” oak with a centaur’s tailhair wand. They made their way quickly though most of the other stores until they came to pets, after a short discussion Dudley decided that they would be getting owls so it was off to Eyelops Owl Emporium.

They were rather glad when Lucius was able to return them home, and the two adults were glad to not see Hagrid back. It ended as a rather good day as far as Harry and Dudley were concerned at least.

category: fanfiction, fic: neurotically yours, fandom: harry potter

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