Fandom: Harry Potter
Summery: What if Harry hadn’t been raised by the Durselys and instead had been raised by Hagrid? How would things have been different? Would things have been better or worse for the boy.
Disclaimer: don’t own HP and I’m making jack from this, so don’t bother to sue as you’ll get jack crap.
Author’s Note: This fic is dedicated to Wheezy1 on as if I hadn’t read their crack fic PuppyDog Eyes I wouldn’t have written this one. After I read it I had the urge to read another fic with Harry raised by Hagrid, but when I couldn’t find another one just off I decided to write one instead. So after chatting with my friend Rabble who helped me to think for a reason for Harry to be given to Hagrid to raise I set to work. I am going to be doing my best /not/ to make this a crack fic so please if it looks to be going that way leave me a review and let me know. I would love a lack of flameage for this as I have my own pretty fire collection, but I know flames happen so what ever. Either way hope you all enjoy this.
Author’s Note 2: oh and just and FYI, but the warnings for this story aren’t set yet. I’m not sure what if any pairings there are going to be in, as I figure more things out though I will add warnings in notes at the start of chapters. The only this just now is going to be a Smart!Hagrid. Why? Because I think he is a lot smarter then he is given credit for after all I do believe I remember him getting books to read on dragons when he got Norbert’s egg and he has obviously learned how to care for Buckbeak and the rest of the flock. I think his is more just a different kind of smart. Also he probably won’t be as like to spite out things he shouldn’t in here too as I think that comes from not usually talking to people and here he’ll have Harry and who knows who else to talk to.
It took everything in Rebeus too just take Harry and go. James and Lilly had been dear friends to him, some of the very few people who didn’t care that he was a half giant and he had loved them both for it. He hadn’t even thought about it as he took Siris’s bike and Harry and just left heading for where Dumbledore had told him to meet him. He held the tiny Harry as close to him as he could en entire ride glad when the crying boy feel asleep as they were going over Bristol. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand why he was crying, it was just that the poor boy could probably use the sleep before he killed himself with crying. Could that even happen? Rebeus wasn’t sure, but he had heard about people dyeing of a broken heart so why couldn’t you die from crying?
He landed the bike and pulled himself off making his way to the Headmaster careful not to jostle Harry even as he handed him over and started bawling. He didn’t want to see him just left here and it was so hard to think that both Lilly and James were gone. In a few more hours he would even find out that Siris had been put into Azkaban and that Peter was dead, killed by Siris, but right now he knew none of that. Right now all he knew was this and it was more then the large man could handle.
Harry shifted very little in his blanket only barely moving and even then he slept on as his small hand grabbed onto the letter that had been left with him. He didn’t know anything that was happening around him, he didn’t understand that his parents were gone, he didn’t know how famous he was, and he didn’t know what was in store for him. He most certainly didn’t know that he was in for a very rude awakening in the morning when his uncle nearly steeped on him on his way out to a very early shift, or that his cousin Dudley was going to find torment in making him a toy. All he knew right now was the blissful world of sleep.
He had been here for hours now sorting though all these papers. With all the raids that had happened in that last month before you-know-who’s downfall there were so many witches and wizards dead and most had had a will of some sort and he had the oh so wonderful job of sorting through them all. With the new attacks dyeing off finally as the Ministry finally caught most of you-know-who’s followers things were starting to finally taper off for him to. It was the end of a long day and a long month when he glanced once more at the clock, he had enough time to sort one more of these out today, and as that would mean one less tomorrow he was all for that.
He only barely glanced at the name and was scanning though the context when he came to a clause on ‘If I should die my child Harry Potter should go to…’ before he finally realized what he was reading. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he finally felt awake for the first time since lunch he went back to the top and started again reading it over proper this time. He blinked a few times once he was done and reread the section on Harry again before looking at the signatures and noting that /yes/ that was his name right there. Oh Merlin was he /ever/ going to hear about it. He might not have been here in the office, but he had been doing ‘ministry duties’ at that time and bloody hell had he really been that drunk? Well he better do something about this now before things got even worse for him.
He was sitting in his hut with Fang absently scratching the boarhound behind his ears and just watching the fire crackle when the tapping that would change his life came. Rebeus Hagrid lifted his gaze to the owl tapping on his window staring at it for a moment like he didn’t know what in merlin’s name it was before patting Fang on the head and pulling himself up. He made his way to the window opening it to allow the bird in and it promptly made its way to his table landing where it waited. He didn’t know why anyone would be owling him, but all the same Rebeus took the letter from the owl who just gave him a look and remained waiting as he opened the letter pulling out the small stack of papers. He sorted though them until he found the actual letter not paying the ‘spare’ sheets any attention:
To Mr. Rebeus Hagrid
It has recently come to our attention that a Mr. James Potter and Mrs. Lilly Potter had anticipated their not making it though this war and had a will drawn up. In this will they left their wishes for their son’s care in such an event. After sorting though all the necessary paper work it had been found that you first in line to be given care of one Harry Potter. Enclosed are all the necessary forms you will need to sign to make the adoption legal. From there it will be up to you to secure your son from his Muggle Relatives, you may request our help if you wish the owl will wait and would bring back such a request. If you have no questions all the papers need are your signature and this will all be settled.
Minister of Magic
Rubeus stared at the note for a long time blinking at it and looking though the papers and then just looking at the owl as if maybe this was somehow all not real before it finally sunk it. The grin that slowly spread over his shaggy face as he quickly signed the various papers only stopped long enough to fiddle with the name that the Minster had had put onto the adoption paper Harry was a Potter and he would never just take that from him so he changed the name to Harry Potter Hagrid making Potter his middle name then it would give Harry the option to be a Potter or to not be one. As he signed the last paper they all disappeared in a puff of smoke and the new guardian of the-boy-who-lived turned his attention to the owl “Me get writin stuff fer a letter.” Rubeus informed the owl even as he offer it a treat from one of his many pockets suddenly feeling far better then he had in a month.
It took him a bit of time but the half giant managed to get a proper looking letter written out for the owl to take back and he sent the owl off before scrubbing at the tears that had formed in his eyes and making his way out of his cabin and towards the castle. He didn’t know the first thing about kids he knew that, but he wasn’t going to let Harry stay with those muggles. He would do what ever he could to make sure that Lilly and Jame’s son had someone that cared for him. Sure Dumbledore had put him there but he hadn’t liked it any better then he did now, he only did it because the Headmaster said that it was right. It wasn’t though the Ministry had even said so, they game him the paper work and all and now Harry was his.
Rubeus spent the next week finding any books in the library he could about kids and he thought he was doing lots better now. Someone from the Ministry had come by the day before at his request to help him fix up his hut some, on the outside it still looked the same, but inside it had been magically enlarged so that it now had: two bedrooms; a rather large bathroom so that Rubeus could fit in it and there still be room; an actual kitchen -that came with a promise of cooking lessons from someone when the woman that came tasted what he passed off as food-; and then another room that had the fireplace, a couple of chairs, and Fang’s bed. After they had fixed his hut the woman had helped him go shopping for things that Harry would need which included a crib that could break down into a small bed since he technically wasn’t supposed to use magic. In short as he took a final look around his hut he was quite pleased, he thought it looked rather nice from what he had read in those books. He had tried very hard to make it a good place and a safe place for the son, no for /his/ son. That was an idea he was still working on, but the more he said it the more he liked the idea.
Sure that everything was all set up and looked good he told Fang to be good and he left the hut heading for the entrance to the school to meet the person who was supposed to go with him today to get Harry.
Author’s Note 3: Please excuse Hagrid’s speech I’ll try not to mess it up, but I’m also probably gonna end up having both him and Harry have an accent of some sort and I’m gonna try and do it as close to his as I can soooo that means digging out my first movie as my first book is well MIA >.> If anyone has a good accent to compare Hagrid’s to I would love any help with words that should be ‘different’ in one way or another. I know for sure ‘Arry, but from there it has been just a bit…