Aug 11, 2004 12:53
I am feeling very useless lately. I can't go to school till after
the 29th of August (thats when my plane leaves for germany) but i
really think i should stay.. suprisingly i still don't know what i want
to do. My mom is just as sick as i thought she was (preety
bad) and i wish to take care of her... she has been close to death so
many times and i don't want her to die with having no one around but
her "mate"... so i beleive that i have made my decision.
Jesse .. i love you and will always miss you.. i am getting a job
shortly which will help me so that i can save enough money for when you
turn 16 so that i can come over and take you out dancing... just behave
well besides that i am all good..... HEY scroll down a bit to see the
pic of zach and i its so cute you can actually see it now...