Still Alive!

Jun 07, 2020 08:51

I am still around! It's just been a stressful few months.

1. I work at a nursing home and COVID-19 has become very, very real for me. Our administrator put us on lockout, so no one except employees can enter the building. We had a few positive cases at the start of it in March, but in recent weeks, those residents were sent to another facility that could take better care of them. We did lose three residents to COVID-19. It's hard. But I'm happy to say that as of Friday, our facility is COVID-19 free!

2. At the beginning of May, I made the (wrong, so wrong) choice to quit the nursing home and go work at the high school as a custodian. Big mistake. Huge. It was not a good fit for me at all. So, this past Monday, I went back to the nursing home and asked for my old job back. They took me back immediately! Because the two remaining housekeepers had tested positive for COVID-19 and were not working. So the maintenance man and my male supervisor were doing the housekeeping. And, OMG, cleaning is NOT their strong suit!

3. I've been keeping myself at home and not going out. Which is no different from what I did before the stay-at-home mandates. So I've been doing just fine with having to stay home. I've been watching a t.v. series from China called The Untamed and really enjoying it a lot. I've also been reading a lot of The Untamed fanfiction on AO3, so that's been keeping me busy. I'm also still working on learning Japanese. I'm finally starting to be able to read very simple sentences in Japanese, which is nice.

That's really all that's been going on with me. I stay home, watch my shows, read fanfic, and work on my Japanese. Since my job is essential, I'm lucky to be able to work in this time where a lot of people can't. I'm doing well.
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