Dear Bitchy People Who Send Me Cranky PMs,
No, really, all I did was beef up the Lockhart creepiness. Pretty much everything from him in this book is straight from canon, with a little bit of emphasis in certain places. I think almost ALL of his dialogue, aside from the climax parts, is straight from the book. So. Don't bitch me out about turning Lockhart all perverted. He was that way when I started writing fic. Fuck you very much.
Also. People. The kids in this story, despite Harry's mental age, are ELEVEN. Quit asking me about romance and whining at me about how disgusting slash is. I'll straight up spoil everyone right the fuck now. THERE IS NO ROMANCE IN THIS SERIES UNTIL MAYBE, MAYBE AFTER FIFTH YEAR. CERTAINLY NOTHING OVERT, THAT'S FOR DAMN SURE. MY PORN OFTEN READS LIKE VCR MANUALS, THIS IS WHY I DO NOT WRITE MUCH OF IT. SO DEAL AND STOP BITCHING AT ME IN PMS.
Anyway. So yeah. There's that. My bitch-o-meter is apparently turned up to eleven. (see what I did there? heh). So, now to get the annoying people out of my head, I'm gonna go read fic. Namely
Monsters by Coneycat. Because holy shit it's so good. Thor/Avengers/Being Human crossover. SO FUCKING GOOD. HOLY SHIT.
Ta, very.
No love,
The (very bitchy) Management.