Apr 26, 2007 17:42
just so you all know, im in 8th grade, about to go to a high school where something really mean took place. what happened was that at midnight, some vandels snuck into the highschool, set a room on FIRE, and garfetied(sp?) a wall bashing all the racial minorities(sp?) exept mexican americans. i would say "lationoes" but as you can see, i can't spell for the life of me. but so anyway, in my last post, i said i would tell you about KS. she was one of my best friends when i was in like, second grade, and now im her second fiddle now. in sixth grade, she left me to hang out with a group of guys i like to call the geek squad. and its true, they are what you would call geeks at our school, and they form a squad! she's one of those types that when you look at them, you can't EVER imagine them with somebody, or have a boyfriend. but apperently(sp?) she kissed someone in 7th grade. i think 7th grade is WAYYY to young to be dating, let alone KISSING for gods sake. they're only 12-13. jeeze!!! where was i? oh ya, at first i didn't believe her, but i guess its true. but the thing i really don't like about her is the fact that she shows off whenever she has the chance. and im telling you, THERE IS NOT ONE DAY THAT GOES BY THAT I HAVE TO LISTEN TO HER SHOW OFF! NOT ONE! AND IM NOT EXAXERATING!(sp?) she will brag about anything. today, she and i were walking home from school, and she goes to this ranch as much as she can, right? well when we were walking home she was saying, "im REALLY good at horse-riding now. and i can almost start jumping. almost." that is word for word people, even the exacterated(sp?) word really, b/c that's how she actually said it. its really hard to try to make you guys really understand what im going through, i dont think i have the patience to type all shes done, let alone remember it all. but ill try to sum it up as best i can, but re-capping all she's said to me in this past week, you heard, WEEK. i would say day, but i have to explain somethings so you can understand. we had a TAG (teen advisory group; its a libary thing) meeting on monday, and there are these two guys named KP and E. they are just like the geek squad, talking about bombs death, and undescribable(sp?) things. she was talking to them and we were doing a puppet show for the little kids, and first of all she won't shut up, and shes talking during the show, right where the kids are, and i tell her she's louder then NR (kid from school) is, and she gets offended, like its some major deal. after the puppet show was done she said to me, IN QUOTES: "me and KP both agree you and DH would make the perfect couple. (DH is a weird kid from TAG, weirder than KP or E.) then I got offended by it, b/c i think he's nice and all, but he's really childish and talks about the strangest things 0_0. the thing is, hes a junior and im in 8th grade, so number one right there, and he hit on KS from day one of TAG, and she treats him like shit now. thats just cruel to me, if i were her, i just wouldn't talk or sit next to him, FYI just avoid him, but shes just COLD and MEAN to him. the next day she explained that she said it b/c KP was mad at her and took his anger out on me. i didn't believe it, b/c it never explained why she said it, and why she said THEY agreed that me and DH would make a good couple. i think it was some sort of payback for saying she was louder that NR. and about the rance i was talking about earlier, it doesn't just have horses, but it raises all these other animals, like a farm, and some babies were just born and she keeps repeating OVER and OVER, "omg molly you HAVE to come to the ranch, there are the CUTIEST little bunnies there!" and im like ya sure whatever just to get her off my back, but she keeps going on and on about it. then she tells me little stories about her, KP and her, or something to do with her cousians(sp?) which happen to be boys. do you notice something here? that fact that all she talks about are boys, all she hangs out with are boys, and she gets bored if there aren't any boys around. shes boy-crazy, but not in the girly way, but the worst way, if you can imagine that. ALMOST 90% of the time she BOTHERS to talk to me, the first 2 words that come out of her mouth are, I'm bored. do you know how that feels? to know she will only talk to you is when shes bored of her other friends? like i said, second fiddle. now don't mistake this ranting for jealousy, no, its far from it. like, seriously you guys, i would rather she be pissed at me, just so she wont talk to me anymore. is that mean? but its true. im SO glad that we are going to different highschools last year, maybe she'll stop calling me (she only calls me for homework anyway) and stop coming to the park (where i walk my dog to every day, she lives next door to it) when im there! maybe ill never have to listen to her again! YES! plus, she's too busy being absorbed in the computer and the geek squad to worry about me. THAT'S ANOTHER THING! she goes on sites and then tries to beat me i SWEAR! like it was neopets she was crazy about a couple months ago, and she was all like to me, "ya well, have you seen my ~insert pet name here~ yet? shes at level TWENTY now. isn't that cool?" and i got competitive(sp?) so i tried to beat her money wise, and i got close, we where neck in neck with that one. but i have to walk the dog, and i read, and i have better things to do than play games on the computer all day long, so she just kinda won the whole thing in the end. but neopets isn't a game you can win, its a thing where you can have a virtual pet and talk to people, and play kiddie games on. so ive learned my lesson. i would REALLY REALLY like to tell you about her current website, runescape, and how shes bragging about how fast shes moving up in levels and shit, or about her and me and the flute, but really i bet your getting bored listen to me bitch about KS. so ill stop, and just to let you know, in the future, i will try to refrain from writing a totally long entry that you all stop reading in the midddle and this will be the only entry you will see SOLELY(sp?) didicated to KS. but you will see her pop up on my entrys a lot, because she annoys me so much, and i have SO much to tell you about her, but i wont b/c it will get boring for you, and my fingers will get tired. but my first few posts will be about my life and "important" points in my life, until you are all up to date on it and you will not get confuzzled about names and things. the thing is about KS though, is that i never noticed until this year that she grinds my nerves. i ACTUALLY never noticed how much she showed off. (she reminds me of a peakhock(sp?) with its chest all puffed out and displaying its feathers!) she also struts. just so you guys get an idea of her. DESCRIPTON(sp?): tall, ugly-short- blonde hair, competitive(sp?), bragger, A plus student, and socially inept, which means ppl make fun of her and no one really likes her b/c she's really mean about somethings. wow. i just noticed i started talking about her again; AND she made me swear 3 times, and i dont swear, and WHEN i do, its only damn or ass. THAT'S how much she angers me.
ok enough about her, since this is my 2nd post, i still need to talk to you about somethings you might want to know. first of all, i hope this is the longest post i will ever type, i know it will bore some ppl. second of all, my mind wanders, and i will sometimes branch off topic and then go back to my orginial(sp?) idea, so you may have to read back over sometimes to understand me. i think i will post in my sidebar a list of avv. names you have to know about, or you will be totally lost in the land of confusion forever. there will be some names you dont know yet, so dont fret, they will be introduced SHORTLY. (like i said, my first couple posts will bring you up-to-date with my life) my next post will be about J and A. (P.S., if you see some names that only have the letter of their first name, its because i dont know/remember their last names. thank you for your attention. ^^
annoying people swear girl female ranch