10 weird things meme

Jan 18, 2007 00:48

I got tagged by the lovely sweetinsitgator.
Well the rules of this meme are:
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

1)I bite my nails, I tried to stop but thats has failed ^-^

2)I love dragons, my whole walls are decorated with them, I even dreamed once I received a dragon egg. I was so happy! I got a green dragon.

3)I'm a collector of dragon statues *what a surprise* I have now 17 pieces I think

4)I always sleep with my light blue baby blanket

5)I'm also a big fan of Alien, I even have an Alien Vs Predator tattoo. My sister finds it strange.

6)I also try to save money but I find it impossible to do that. But I won't give up.

7)I'm also very clean freak, every time I go to my sisters room, I feel the urge to play the song of Mr. Clean in the hope he would come.

8)I also like my Ipod nano very much

9)I have finally found my number 9 and 10 addiction; My boyfriend Yonas :D

10)And banana and chocolate ice cream from Côte do'r, its so yummy *Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy, its such a cute song*

I would like to tag cold_snow,shirai_kirei and thats about it since I can't tag back.
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