Most incredible interview ever
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Do me! Do Me NOW!", okay you can say "Interview me" if you want.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Interviewed by
tattooedraven under the cut! She's one nosey reporter.
1. Given the oppertunity to witness slash in action AND you can ONLY choose one! Who would you be the peeping tom to: Kraven/Viktor or Phoenix/Santiago Aw, you suck! This is the hardest decision ever! Ugh! *rants* -__- I think I'd throw the dice, can't choose by myself. >.> Um, let's see, Kraven/Viktor vs Phoenix/Santiago. :/ Bunny/Kitten vs Peacock/Fox. Aaaaaa! I'd take Phoenix/Santiago, me thinks, cause it's hornier right now. And then smack you for making me choose!
2. What's the all time 'Chick Flick' DVD you own? >.> I have no idea... I don't own many DVDs after all, I mostly have AVIs. :/ Ah, damn it. I don't think I have any chick flicks...
3. If you had a 'X-man' type super power what would it be? The SUPER HAIRDRESSER! OK, not. Um, I'd like something mental, like, affecting other peoples' minds, move things around with my mind force. Something like "the Force" ^^
4. Where is the key to Santiago's Chastiy belt? *cofss*Phoenix made me ask*coffs. He shallowed it by mistake when Phoenix patted him on the back.
5. Boxers, briefs, thong or commando! The content of them all, my dear! ;)
And! I was tagged by
tigertrapper some time ago.
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Chocolate.
What do you mean explain? Who doesn't like chocolate? I guess I'm the milk chocolate type and I love little ones filled with liquor! ^^ ok, I'm hungry. Stop. Now.
Literary: Faraway Heavens (I just translated the title from Greek. It's from Brittish writers though) Um, one of my fav. books ever. the oldest story in the book, two enemies fall for the same woman. Beautiful settings, great characterisation. Audiovisual: The Nightmare Before Christmas I used to love this film much more in the past, but I've yet to find something that could take its place yet.
Musical: All kinds of Soundtracks! The mood of the movies. What's better?
Celebrity: Christian Bale? Well, he's not showing off a lot, me thinks, which is why I really like him. (And because he's hot of course!)
Now I tag:-
pint_of_shame halogirl8 gnarwhal cutiepie0319 and
fragmentally to complete this same Quiz, Its