jjustsurrender and my conversation. Enjoy! =]
dragonflyxeyes: did you find the right one?
KARANNE x3: mhmm
dragonflyxeyes: good!
KARANNE x3: whoo look at my profile :]
dragonflyxeyes: oh, and all of the Ben shows are sold out! -[
dragonflyxeyes: poor australia
KARANNE x3: and..? we're not close enough to any of them except for summerville or whatev
dragonflyxeyes: soo. we have tickets!! =]
KARANNE x3: exactly.. so why are you complaining and being sad?
dragonflyxeyes: i put the wrong smily. =]
KARANNE x3: sure.
dragonflyxeyes: i just found somthing that said Chris's solo CD might come out in may. Its titled Its unstainable
KARANNE x3: haha of course its unstainable chris... he's still a virgin.
dragonflyxeyes: stop that...you're probaby right...
KARANNE x3: lmao!
dragonflyxeyes: can you get onto hall of justice?
KARANNE x3: no.. i live in massachusetts.
dragonflyxeyes: chris's website dipshit
KARANNE x3: oh.
KARANNE x3: which one is chris in your icon? the one that looks like a girl with a ponytail?
KARANNE x3: :]
dragonflyxeyes: the one with the hat i think
dragonflyxeyes: the order looks like ben, chris, nick and the other emo
KARANNE x3: yeah so chris is the girly one.
dragonflyxeyes: figures
dragonflyxeyes: so can you get on?
KARANNE x3: waittttt. im not done with my other thingggggggggggggggg.
dragonflyxeyes: kayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
KARANNE x3: i happen to like exagerating letters, thank you. :]
dragonflyxeyes: kayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
KARANNE x3: loser!
dragonflyxeyes: meanie
KARANNE x3: pshhh.
KARANNE x3: i need pepsi. :o
dragonflyxeyes: sigh
KARANNE x3: grrr.
dragonflyxeyes: grr. what?
KARANNE x3: i need pepsi!
dragonflyxeyes: oh
KARANNE x3: jeezums how long does it take for you to get the program?
dragonflyxeyes: hi Im mel, have we met?
KARANNE x3: lmao
dragonflyxeyes: thats what she said
dragonflyxeyes: FUCK.YOU.INTERNET.
KARANNE x3: sure
dragonflyxeyes: its being mad gay
KARANNE x3: kayy
dragonflyxeyes: im going to cry, i think cool-cat chris walla actually updated his blog. Now it doesnt say "We vibrate, we do!" anymore
KARANNE x3: ew.
dragonflyxeyes: youve seen it before, i showed it to yo
dragonflyxeyes: *you
KARANNE x3: okay go look at my photobucket.... NOW!
dragonflyxeyes: kay =]
KARANNE x3: first pic
dragonflyxeyes: yes mam
dragonflyxeyes: "indecivie goverment workers" brillant.
KARANNE x3: i knowww right?
dragonflyxeyes: so, can you get onto SOS?
KARANNE x3: waiiiit im not doneeeee
dragonflyxeyes: ...
KARANNE x3: god i sound like my friend sam haha
KARANNE x3: who is a GIRL
dragonflyxeyes: the girl i hope
KARANNE x3: mhm
dragonflyxeyes: oops!
dragonflyxeyes: grr, my hair is still wet =[
KARANNE x3: ahahahaha
KARANNE x3: im laughing at your hair
KARANNE x3: for being wet
dragonflyxeyes: im laughing at your face
dragonflyxeyes: because its gay
KARANNE x3: grrr.
dragonflyxeyes: oh snap
dragonflyxeyes: me too
KARANNE x3: cause he's SUPER gay
dragonflyxeyes: he's super DUPER gay!
KARANNE x3: oh i didn't see the super so I was like, ".. he's duper gay?" LMAO!
dragonflyxeyes: look at my pro
KARANNE x3: lmao!
KARANNE x3: brb i gotsta peee
KARANNE x3: :o
dragonflyxeyes: ooh
KARANNE x3 is away at 6:30:29 PM.
dragonflyxeyes wants to directly connect.
dragonflyxeyes cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
dragonflyxeyes: boy do i have a picture for you
Auto response from KARANNE x3: KARANNE x3: i think im going to turn into a nun.
KARANNE x3 returned at 6:58:59 PM.
KARANNE x3: oh no
dragonflyxeyes: oh yes
dragonflyxeyes wants to directly connect.
KARANNE x3 is now directly connected.
KARANNE x3: friggin loser.
dragonflyxeyes: you just called your self a loser
KARANNE x3: i'll live with that.
dragonflyxeyes: i thought you would.
dragonflyxeyes: your awaymessage was mad confusing
KARANNE x3: great
dragonflyxeyes: well, now that i got on to SOS, there wasnt a new post..
dragonflyxeyes: why are you so mean today?
KARANNE x3: shit
KARANNE x3: there. :]
KARANNE x3: all done
dragonflyxeyes: guess what i have..
KARANNE x3: my back is itchy.. :[
KARANNE x3: nevermind :]
dragonflyxeyes: pepsi
KARANNE x3: me toooo
KARANNE x3: yummm
dragonflyxeyes: aw damn
dragonflyxeyes: we
dragonflyxeyes: *W/e
KARANNE x3: oh haha
dragonflyxeyes: huh?
dragonflyxeyes: chris's middle name is Ryan
KARANNE x3: i had no clue what "we" meant and then you were like, "*w/e" so that made more sense
KARANNE x3: that goes beyond super gay.
dragonflyxeyes: so youre calling Ryan Key GAY?!?!
KARANNE x3: that's like chuck norris cupcake gay
KARANNE x3: no
KARANNE x3: I'm calling christopher ryan walla gay
dragonflyxeyes: no, you said ryan is gay!
dragonflyxeyes: KARANNE x3: GAY.
KARANNE x3: that goes beyond super gay.
KARANNE x3: ugh. i said his MIDDLE NAME IS GAY..
dragonflyxeyes: ugh, fuck you ! <3
KARANNE x3: ryan key's middle name is not ryan. i would slap his parents.
dragonflyxeyes: ryan ryan key
KARANNE x3: thats like, "oh, we couldn't think of another name."
dragonflyxeyes: michael michael smeglin
dragonflyxeyes: kick me in the face smeglinm
dragonflyxeyes: *smeglin
KARANNE x3: exactlyyyy.
KARANNE x3: if he was ryan ryan key, he would be kick me in the face key, instead of smeglin. :]
dragonflyxeyes: i love you so much
KARANNE x3: great
KARANNE x3: hey i can spell great with one hand!
dragonflyxeyes: CRW: what can we make that say..?? Mmmmm...
KARANNE x3: macncheese?
KARANNE x3: :]
dragonflyxeyes: no, as a word C stands for, R stands for, W stands for
KARANNE x3: grr. you ruined my fun.
dragonflyxeyes: im sorry =[
KARANNE x3: catch real weed?
KARANNE x3: lmao
dragonflyxeyes: maybe
dragonflyxeyes: ...
KARANNE x3: cupcake ruins wet bars?
KARANNE x3: omg that was so random LMAO
dragonflyxeyes: thats disturbing
KARANNE x3: hey i don't see you popping out any ideas
dragonflyxeyes: im thinking asshat
KARANNE x3: oh.. lmao i thought that was the word you were thinking of. i was like... "that doesn't begin or end with any of the letters moron." :]
dragonflyxeyes: doh
KARANNE x3: cans rust wonderfully.
KARANNE x3: yeah thats sg.
dragonflyxeyes: im trying to think of something that he would cry about
dragonflyxeyes: Christ Runs Wild!
KARANNE x3: kajsydfjnhdfhu. :-X
dragonflyxeyes: woah, dislexic (SP?)
KARANNE x3: just imagine him chained to the brick wall like the 2 c's and their.. clothing attire and you'll understand what I'm thinking.
KARANNE x3: :]
dragonflyxeyes: im thinking of two words, can you guess what they are?
KARANNE x3: feed me?
dragonflyxeyes: fuck you
dragonflyxeyes: thats almost as bad as my "Popcorn"...um...thought
KARANNE x3: these two words describe chris PERFECTLY:
KARANNE x3: dick licker.
dragonflyxeyes: how sutble
KARANNE x3: ohhh goddd i no one can come up with as many great ideas/witty comments as I can.
dragonflyxeyes: no shit
dragonflyxeyes: we should make a CRW sign like we did for BPSWLB
KARANNE x3: :]
KARANNE x3: yayyy.
KARANNE x3: we need to decide on an acronym first nidiot
dragonflyxeyes: you dont like christ runs wild?
KARANNE x3: no that reminds me of chuck and cupcake streaking together.
dragonflyxeyes: *gag*
KARANNE x3: and everytime i think of that acronym I will think of big brick walls and horny men.
KARANNE x3: not the best mixes.
dragonflyxeyes: lmao
dragonflyxeyes: like water and oil
KARANNE x3: :]
KARANNE x3: the formatttt!
dragonflyxeyes: what about?
KARANNE x3: im listening to themm :}
KARANNE x3: ]*
dragonflyxeyes: im listening to nada surf
KARANNE x3: the format's betterrr
KARANNE x3: er
dragonflyxeyes: okay =]
KARANNE x3: thank you :]
dragonflyxeyes: CRW...CRW...??
KARANNE x3: uhm.
KARANNE x3: crew.
KARANNE x3: idkkk
dragonflyxeyes: damn this is worse than incest
KARANNE x3: rawr.
KARANNE x3: um.. church reviewers weep?
KARANNE x3: lmao
KARANNE x3: i give upp.
dragonflyxeyes: Christ=Chris..i guess
KARANNE x3: lmao
dragonflyxeyes: how about Coma Raging White boy (minus the boy)
KARANNE x3: waiit..
KARANNE x3: coma?
dragonflyxeyes: IDK
KARANNE x3: lmao
dragonflyxeyes: wait..i just noticed it doesnt make sense! lmao
KARANNE x3: yes
dragonflyxeyes: but what do you think about the raging white boy part?
KARANNE x3: fine
dragonflyxeyes: so just change the C
KARANNE x3: codeword: raging white-boy?
dragonflyxeyes: or Ben's pet name
KARANNE x3: im just getting random words off the internet
dragonflyxeyes: me too
dragonflyxeyes: i wish susidal started with a C ...=[
dragonflyxeyes: cocaine raging white boy
KARANNE x3: hmm maybe
dragonflyxeyes: humph
KARANNE x3: camera raging white-boy
dragonflyxeyes: im getting sad aggravated
KARANNE x3: or camera raging whore
dragonflyxeyes: maybe
KARANNE x3: they both relate to paparazzi
dragonflyxeyes: raging whore, amazing
dragonflyxeyes: no shit!
KARANNE x3: which chris does not get
dragonflyxeyes: how hard can this be!! For US!!
KARANNE x3: or maybe cocaine raging whore
dragonflyxeyes: i like it
dragonflyxeyes: thats what she said
KARANNE x3: id kill myself if i did that many in a day
dragonflyxeyes: why?
KARANNE x3: actually i've probably done more so i can't really say anything :-P
dragonflyxeyes: yeah so..keep it in your pants
KARANNE x3: lmao
KARANNE x3: i love that phrase
dragonflyxeyes: thats the first thing i thought if
dragonflyxeyes: *of
dragonflyxeyes: what about go piss in a corner?
KARANNE x3: :o
dragonflyxeyes: Walla: When I did a guest DJ spot on KEXP in the middle of the night, I threw on a song from the Justin Timberlake record, "Like I Love You." You wouldn't believe how many really angry e-mails we got at 3 in the morning. It was so insane. That song rocks! It's so cool.
KARANNE x3: lmao
KARANNE x3: jt is a sure sign of gayness
dragonflyxeyes: if that doesnt scream gay i dont kno what does
dragonflyxeyes: or this Justin Timberlake: "Rock Your Body" (2002) from Justified (Jive)
Gibbard: Fucking rules.
KARANNE x3: they get in bed together every. single. night.
dragonflyxeyes: and listen to that song..and distortions
KARANNE x3: why DOES chris picture ben in a coffin anyways?
KARANNE x3: :]
dragonflyxeyes: fedish?