Mar 06, 2006 21:32
Monkey on a string. People come people go but not before they leave behind all their crap for me to deal with. You are an abusive mom...beat em and then feed em fruit loops when they get dinner at all. Let em sit in their shit for hours. In the hours before dawn children cry from bread beatings. Mommie dearest, they say when prying eyes have seen nothing but the fruits of love. Lies from the lips of the condemned...lies from the wretched miserable low-lifes....the shitstains of this world with their decaying minds and their rotten tongues that spew forth their bile, in steaming piles of their mindless chatter. Choking on their own filth and depravity...this is YOU. Then flutters in the queen of the fairies. Incessant, overstuffed wind bag with delusions of granduer and a mind full of hatred towards children....bloody bones mistress has arisen...hide your children...for she is hungry for the blood of innocence. He said, she said, they said, I say....stay away from me! A warrior has risen.....thirsty for justice, avenger of the falsely persecuted and champion of the underdog!! Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing....I say beware of sheep in wolves clothing as well. Those to cowardly to come forth and defend themselves until they are safely tucked away in their little hovels. Then springs forth the wolves to devour.....too late for these eyes have seen you as you are. Justice is coming, Your downfall is inevitable, I am coming. Make a donation to the police force? Screw the get no money from me...Im not impressed with their services. Btw anyone can be a cop now, did ya know? Another one, hungry for the taste of my blood. Get a ticket, go to not pass not collect 200 dollars. Donut anyone? No mine, mine, mine, you pay fine, fine, fine.....I lurk under bridges to destroy you. Me the homewrecker...the destroyer of lives and lasting romances....I can intimidate the greatest of fairies with a look.....a word from me and any standing relationships fall down. Down, Down, Down. Im sorry for being such an ass...I guess getting my brains knocked out made me see the light....I love you and I see the err of my lets hug. Carebear stare!!!! Forrest of feelings, da dee, la da da. Trouble I say. My accuser is near...the judge, jury, and executioner is working his way to me, with his mighty donut aimed my way. RUN AWAY!!! No fight!!! No cut off the carrier of this disease!!! But hes a friend! Is he really a friend? In bagh dad the best of friends, are the carriers of bombs. Would you embrace a friend who carries a disease? What about a bomb strapped to his back? Moron!!! Moron!!! Moron!!! Alas not my business, but it will be soon....trouble coming...forewarned...can't get away from it....same people....same trouble...keep letting it happen...why???? If your right hand offends thee cut it off!!! But I need it!!! Damn, damn, damn. People annoy me.....same shit...different day. I will take care of it though...I always do.....