Sep 14, 2017 20:58
I know I post one of these 'Hey I'm not dead!' entries more frequently than I do regular entries. I don't even know how much of my F-list is still active on LJ, or if everyone has migrated to Dreamwidth. I need to post a proof of life entry over there soon, too. Good thing I bought permanent accounts.
How is everyone?
Brief update, by the numbers:
Cats - two still living the high life with my parents
Dogs - five, all darling savages who do nothing but eat food and wreck my flat
Other critters - two semi-feral budgies that are resistant to all attempts at socialization, way too many fish tanks
Job - still a paediatric nurse, working a temp in ortho clinic
Health - well, though in my post-middle age I have gained a few of the pounds I'd lost in the early teens of this century
Activities - slave to the Union lol. Lots going on with government trying to legislate our rights away, increasing incidents of violence in the workplace, and making sure my local is working to the best of its abilities
Other - been working with a local dog rescue for a few years, taking in fosters and finding them permanent homes
Current fandom faves - still with some of the classics, like SPN, The X-Files; re-runs of BtVS and AtS have me craving some good Spike/Wesley fic, Stargate: Universe, Preacher, Marvel's Agents of Shield, just to list a few