(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 09:40

Thursday, January 25, 2007

drip drip drip
Current mood:

 Please....someone...come turn my faucet of a nose off!  Yup, all of a sudden I got hit with a sinus cold again. Not good. I want to swim dammit! Hmm what can I tell everybody as I attempt to eat?

B flew here for (two hours) for her Birthday.
 We had time to have coffee, chat a bit, pick up photos among other stuff and now hopefully she isn't going to get my cold. We arrived back at the airport before eight so we could have a lengthy good-bye, but we were interrupted by the announcements. The flight came in early so they wanted to board everybody early and so much to my dismay we had to part ways again.

Oh, I had my stats inter-exam yesterday. I tell ya, what a moron I was. I sat there for like half an hour figuring out the standard deviation when it was already given to me but didn't realize it. sigh. And the reason it took me a half hour was because somehow I wasn't doing something right and I was getting all frustrated because we were told that we wouldn't have to do the standard deviation and here I was thinking I had to do it. Anyways, my SD matched the one that was given to me, so after all that work I did come up with the right answer. Sigh. I'm such an idiot.

Finally the christmas tree can come down. I am going to do that today. I have to say although I like xmas trees being up for a bit afterwards...hmmm B maybe around this time is just a little too long...ahhh for me to handle anywyas. Little C thinks I should keep up and and then she can decorate it with hearts for Valentine's Day.

I have to get a hold of my CT (cooperative teacher). I need to figure out what books or poems he is teaching and what grade he wants me to step in on. I have to teach a minimum of 11 lessons. Basically one unit.  I need to come up with my lessons plans pronto too.

Yesterday in my English and Humanties class we were talking about teaching Social Studies. There was a list of different teaching stytles and the subject matter example was Bulding the Cnadian Pacific Railway.. Here I'll give the list for different ways of teaching it. .....

Socail initiation

To initiate or socializ students to they fit into and are productive members of society. Topic to be considered: Taming of the Rockies--engineering feats; The saga of its construction/ Candada's defence against American Manifest Destiny; The Last Spike at Craigellachie, BC: the linchpin of East and West; The iron riboon that binds Cnada: fulfilling the Confederation Dream; Fmaous people--John A. Macdonald, Donald Smith, William Van Horne, Sanford Fleming, etc.

Social reformation

To empower and motivate students to work to make the world a better place. Topics to be considered: Environmental costs of the railway--demise of buffalo; Exploitation of immigrant workers; Dislocation and abuse of First Nations; The myths of the nation--the last spike was solen the first night; Corruption and greed: the Pacific Scandal; Who really built the CPR: Van Horne or the Chinese?

Personal devlopment

To nurture student talents and interests so they can devleop staisfying interpersonal relationships and can make sense of their world. Topcs to be considered:  Students selct any topic of peronal interest related to the CPR and decide on a way of representing their learning; Explor potential career choices--engineers, devleopers, politicians, ets. --by considering the contribution of each to the railway; Use cooperative activities and role play to devleop ability to work with others as students create a mural depicting some aspect of the railway.

Academic understanding

To train students' minds by introducing them to the methods and content knowledge of the social science disciplines. Topics to be considered: Learn about historical inquiry by developing an account of an event using primary sources; Learn about geopgraphical inquiry by plotting demographic effects of railway on local terrain or by planning a route using contour maps; Learn about archaeological inquiry by developing an account of work camp life basedon artifacts recovered from a simulated "dig".

So, after all that .....which one do you thihk I would fall under? The answer will come tomoorrow. lol.

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