Rain and more rain today - probably around freezing temps. Here in North Carolina people begin to panic at the least mention of snow. Last week there was about an inch of snow that came down one morning. All the schools closed, the reporters on the local news were going bonkers ... and a bunch of people wrecked their cars all over the highway, and some of them died.
An inch of snow, and people died!
So now I'm debating if I should go out and run some errands, because someone may run into my car and kill me! Well, not really, I'm just not feeling like going out, and I need a good excuse.
They moved Battlestar Galactica to Sunday nights at 10 so I'll be staying up to catch it. You know I don't really have any other exciting plans for anything coming up. I guess they're all related to movies, like
Hannibal Rising.
There is a cafe (that has coffee and beer, oddly?) on Broad Street that Dave and Ashlee told me about, maybe I'll get them to go check it out with me.
Oh.. this cracked me up.