Really Brothers

Apr 15, 2014 15:41

Title: Really Brothers
Author: dragonflybeach
Category: Supernatural
Word Count: 250
Characters: Jody Mills, Sam Winchester
Pairings: none/gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but if I did, I'd probably write fanfic about it anyway.

Summary: No one had ever actually explained it to Jody.

"Wait. So you two really are brothers? Like same parents, DNA, brothers?” Jody asked, one skeptical eyebrow arched high.

"Well, yeah." Sam shrugged. "I mean, Bobby must have told you that, right?"

Jody rolled her eyes. “Bobby Singer also told me that you two were his nephews, that his father ran off with a waitress from the truck stop on Highway 11, that he was looking for an autograph when I got called to throw him off Willie Nelson’s tour bus, and that he had no idea what happened to the Oppermans' goat, all of which were not true.”

"Bobby and Willie Nelson?" Sam asked, his own eyebrows raised.

"Cursed guitar." Jody said with a half-hearted smile."From what I put together from Bobby’s journal after the fact, the band members were aware something was wrong, but the manager dismissed it as all of them being stoned. Including Bobby."

Sam nodded, picturing the events in his mind.

"But getting back to the subject that you were trying to change on me," Jody folded her arms. "I didn’t know he was telling the truth about you and Dean. I thought you two were … partners, and I owe you an apology for what I said about you and Dean finding comfort in each other."

"Don’t worry about it." Sam said, shaking his head. "You’re not the first one to make that mistake and you probably won’t be the last."

He smiled, waved off her further attempts at apologies, and picked up her suitcase to carry into the bunker.

brothers, jody mills, sam winchester

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