s13e18 Reaction

Apr 14, 2018 13:07

First and foremost, I will take back 1 (one) of my approximately 11.2 million snarky comments about BuckLemming, because the scene where Gabriel spreads his wings and fries Evil Colonel Sanders extra crispy was glorious.

That said, unfortunately, the other 11.199999 million stand.

Dan and Ketch walk though the rift into snow they're not dressed for in a place they don't recognize. So you know what would have made sense? Turning around, walking right back into the bunker, and getting heavier coats and gloves and whatever other supplies they needed. Do they do that? Of course not.

Why is everyone calling this redheaded person Charlie? Could they not be bothered to look up one of their own scripts (or maybe ask someone who watches the show) to see that her name was really Celeste, and that Charlie Bradbury was one of her many aliases?

Why is the whole "I have to save this Charlie who doesn't even know who I am because I don't exist in this world" (which makes absolutely ZERO sense) on Dean now? Didn't he quite clearly tell Sam that Charlie's death was Sam's fault? With all the accompanying angst and man pain?

How does Rambo Angel know that Charlie has met Mary and Jack? Under interrogation, she told them to bite her, so do you think she said "Nanananana, I know where the Nephilim is!" And why did she scream like a little girl when faced with execution? You know, like minutes after being beaten for mouthing off to the same people?

Why on earth was it necessary for Sam to dress up Gabriel's grace as room service? (I do freely admit that I was expecting to see a copy of Casa Erotica Volume Whatever under that cover, but continuity is too much to ask lately.) Why are they offering to feed Gabriel their one and only vial of archangel grace when there was no imminent threat of danger and no real hurry to heal him? Couldn't they offer him some of Castiel's grace, or Gadreel or Lucifer's grace that might still be lurking in Sam or touch Sam's soul ("I need you to let me touch it.") or I dunno, Fruit from the Tree of Life or some MoL Magic Angel Potion or something? Why would they even consider letting Gabriel have it, with Dean still stuck on the other side of the rift, knowing that they're going to need it to reopen the rift if Dean doesn't get back in time?

How is a Prince of Hell able to feed on an Archangel's grace? Isn't that like putting water on a fire or something?

It truly astounds me how little I care about the whole Lucifer/Anael storyline. Okay, yeah, she told him off and he threatened to choke her but didn't (dammit) for some unknown reason, and what exactly is Lucifer doing besides biding his time and waiting around for the Perfect Dramatic Moment to go freak out Sam? How is Nick staying so spiffy this time without drinking gallons of demon blood? Why doesn't Lucifer want Sam as a vessel any more? (Yes, I know he said he didn't, but that doesn't even make sense.)

Why has Dean suddenly lost all sense he ever had, stomping through hostile territory like, well, a bull in a china shop? Why did the gunshot wound not make a hole in Dean's clothes? Why was there no exit wound? Why was there no blood? Why was there Leviathan ooze? I mean, can't FX mix up corn syrup in a different color, or did they just say "Hey, we have this laying around from Season 8..."

Dean, I love you my beautiful little bad ass, but there is no way you punched a dude with the same shoulder that has a poisoned bullet in it.

And yes, I know that I grumbled last week about the possibility of a Ketch/Mary/Bobby setup, but for some reason after seeing him take care of Dean in the snow, (does he always carry Monster Poison Antidote ingredients?) maybe the Love of a Good Woman trope to reform the bad guy wouldn't be so bad. I was really hoping to see Ketch dragging Dean into the camp on a homemade stretcher and laying him at Mary's feet.
          "Dean, tell you mother how I saved you and brought you to her."
          "I don't have to do what you say! You're not my dad!"
(Um yeah, I might actually be writing something on those lines.)

How long did they leave Gabriel alone for him to be able to graffiti the entire bedroom? Where did her get that much ink? Wouldn't that take a whole case of markers? Shouldn't the fact he managed to graffiti the entire room (either by magic, or by hand in a very short period of time) tip off Sam and Cas that just maybe he wasn't as hurt and pitiful as he was pretending?

Why doesn't Sam know Enochian any more? Was it all the knocks on the head he's taken this season?

I will accept that Gabriel faked his own death, but why didn't Chuck know it, since, ya know, he was still on the planet at the time? He said he didn't have time to make any more archangels to fight Amara so they had to use Lucifer. Shouldn't he have said "Wait, let me pop over to Monte Carlo and pry some porn stars off Gabriel?"

Thank you Continuity Fairy for Porn Stars. (that is a sentence I never imagined I would type)

Why is Lucifer now Agent L of the Angels in Black? If he's going to be the new God, shouldn't he be wearing a bathrobe and have a bottle of cheap booze in his hand? And maybe a plunger nearby?

I will admit, the exorcism scene was the closest I have come to caring about Lucifer for most of this season. Even to the point that at the moment I didn't register that there was a girl chained to a bed because Bucklemming Episode.

Why is Sam such a pure little cinnamon roll who is willing to forgive Gabriel for killing his brother over 100 times, the nutcracker, and even giving him genital herpes not in the fun way? Was it all those knocks on the head?

Why is Asmodeus able to pinpoint that Gabriel is in the bunker with Sam? What happened to the bunker being untraceable, unplottable, and un-invade-able? If it originally had warding that kept out all supernatural creatures, why can't it keep anything or anyone out now?

How did Asmodeus keep Gabriel under lock and key and torture him for years, but one pained squeak from Sam and he's suddenly He-Man With Wings? Granted that Sabriel is my NOTP, but seriously?

And then Gabriel just ... leaves? Not even "Hey, I gotta go let the porn stars know I'm not dead, be back in the morning."? He can't be bothered to leave some grace for his beloved, I mean, the guy he owes big time?

Dean is mad that he came back home to Cas and Sam instead of staying in Apocalypse World with Charlie? And Sam just stood there and let him throw a fit not one minute after he complained about the place being trashed? Where was our "Well maybe you should have just stayed over there, Dean!" with Sammy stomping off and Castiel's Couple Therapy TM?

I still love this show. Really I do. But can't we find someone who has watched the show and understands logic to write for it?

spn meta, supernatural

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