Aug 05, 2005 03:12
my day started out with a trip to the dentist to get a cavity filled, and trips to the dentist are what my nightmares are made out of, so it wasn't exactly a promising beginning. i was a brave little girl, though, and i sat still while they poked and prodded and stuck me with needles and gave me so much novocaine that half my face went numb. two hours, a filling, a sealant, a sore jaw, and $175 later, i went home to find half of the female members of coral ridge at my house (actually five or so) visiting with my mom, all of whom were anxious to talk to me, hear the latest college reports, and ask me my life story, which of course was exactly what i felt like doing after my whole ordeal, especially considering that three quarters of my lips, my entire tongue, and my face from my cheek to my ear were still out to lunch. so i smiled with the 1/4 of my mouth that was still available for use, said something to the effect of "mmu nmh ehh hhe," which seemed to satisfy them, convinced my mom that just because she burned the stringbeans and demolished a plastic spoon in the dishwasher didn't mean she had to decide never to entertain company again, and beelined for the door to head to work.
thankfully, i didn't have to answer the phone today, because i sounded inebriated until the novocaine wore off around three thirty or so...i just addressed flyers- about seventy nine thousand flyers. i finally escaped the flyers, only to have to brave ridiculous, new york-style traffic all the way to downtown, where i met victoria and went to this cozy, artsy little hole-in-the-wall cafe that i never would have found on my own. it was worth the drive. i treated myself to a chocolate frappe and a celtic/irish cd, which i bought impulsively and then listened to all the way home, proudly, since i have a track record of hating almost every cd i buy for myself but this one was great.
it was the soundtrack to my drive home, which took place against the backdrop of a florida postcard evening. the whole world was pale pink, the palm trees were silhouetted against a painted sunset, and in the east, where dusk had fallen, heat lighting was tearing the purple-gray sky apart from top to bottom. it was too much for me. i felt the weight of the last three days, and i drove straight to the beach and sat on the lifeguard stand until all the color in the sky and the water was gone and i felt like i could live again.
then i went home and practiced with giovanni (yes, i finally decided on a name for my violin) until two a.m. i'm telling you, that violin is more moody than me when i'm pms-ing. every time i pick him up to play, he sounds different...although after i play for about an hour, he always calms down and settles into a nice, clear, vibrant tone. i love him so much, and i love that God has given me this outlet to express all the things i can't put into words, which is just about everything of significance.
unfortunately, tomorrow i have to sort through the rubble of the mess that i've gotten thrown into the middle of, and giovanni won't be anywhere near me. but Jesus will. besides, gio doesn't have any arms to hold me with. but Jesus does.