Jun 21, 2006 21:58
Today I sat outside on the porch railing and watched the sun set. I'd been beating myself up for not doing anything for Solstice, but I realized that I've been thinking about the sun all day.
This morning when I went to work I was cold, and grateful for any bit of warmth that made it through the damp chill.
When I came out after work I was boiling hot in my long sleeves, avoiding the sun, feeling it burn my face and hands as I smoked and read and waited for the bus.
Walking on Commercial with the girl, I watched the quiet gold, enjoyed the subtle warmth, held her hand and told her how much I love summer evenings.
Solstice. Midsummer. Litha. My second-favorite of every holiday I celebrate. Last summer I went out into the watershed with a picnic lunch and ate it in the middle of high grass. After I finished I read The Stolen Child out loud and left pretty rocks and honey behind.
This year was different, but I still celebrated it in my way.