Maybe i'll just be a stripper

Aug 23, 2006 20:14

I've just handed in an assignment and have two more due. In 3 weeks I have to complete a 3 week practicum in a yr 1/2 class where I'll be teaching anywhere between 15 and 35 lessons, depending on the prac teacher. I'm a first year student with NO experience and just not enough money to buy the 50 million resource and text books required by the 'budding' teacher in me. What part of 'I'm going to uni to learn this' don't they understand.

I mean, who tells a first year intern to carry out heart surgery. huh!

Does anyone know where I can get reasonably priced (or second hand) teaching resources and Curriculum Council Framework material?

The house is very quiet so I've decided to carry out a spring clean - early. I started on Tuesday by setting off a bomb. Very big.

Also, I have washed almost everything in sight.
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