clothes hangers, every color of the rainbow, they stangled that child

Jan 02, 2007 19:58 years happened in the way that all new years happened chez moi, which means that nothing happened, except that my mother bought a bunch of party crackers that all had sheets of paper inside of them with jokes written on them--in French. Why would they sell french party crackers at cost plus? I ask you? Twas all good, though, as I was there to translate (this is, honestly, the first time in America that speaking French has done me any good. Except for that time with the really hot waiter from Quebec, in which case it was most rewarding).

Have called up Hansy, who, for some reason, belieaved that it would be a good thing to do Wintersession. WHO GIVES UP HOLIDAYS TO DO INTERESSION? WHY? WHO? ONLY YOU, HANSY. ONLY YOU.

In the meantime, though, I have spent untold hours imagining how the next half of Supernatural will unfold, and in my version (which is you know, probably much cooler than what will actually happen) they FINALLY CONFESS THEIR OBVIOUS BUT UNSPOKEN LOVE FOR EACHOTHER, whereupon acts of unspeakable sexiness will commence.

also, not that anybody cares, but I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED ALL OF MY FINAL EXAMS. ALL. Including motherfucking RoPo.
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