Mar 27, 2009 11:19
Well, I am sorry I haven't posted in a while, but a ton of stuff has been going on, mainly with work. The other supervisor is quitting and I am gonna have to train a replacement for the third time. This is a real let down b/c I have been looking for another job for a while with no results and there for a week she had 3!! and couldn't decide between them. She is my friend and I am glad for her, she needs those jobs, but at the same time I am like why can't it be ME!?? I was really down all last week and really just flat out depressed and I am not a depressing person. so I was constantly fighting it which made it worse. Toby was great during all this. he takes my moods in strides which is good b/c I need someone steady like that when I am like this. Plus I was hormonal which didn't help any. It just all seemed too much last week. I am over it now, and I have bucked up and said I have done this before I will do it again. and i won't complain. i have two jobs, when there are people without. But I just really want to get a fulltime for so many already listed reasons, andit was just a shock to kinda have my friend rub her new jobS in my face. Plus both jobs were crazily busy last week.
But on to more fun things, We are going to a Jeff Dunham concert tonight. Toby is so thrilled and can't wait. I wish he hadn't paid so much for the tickets, but he heard he was gonna be in Chatt. and he just had to go. b/c he is very seldomly around here. So we are going tonight, and I am kinda looking forward to it b/c Toby is, and it is something to get out and do. I just wish it wouldn't be so rainy while we have to drive in crazy Chatt. traffic.
I am currently reading a new series by Tamora Pierce Beka Cooper, Terrior. It is really good so far and in a journal format and since I keep a journal, I like those formats. It is really great and I am already halfway through it. I am also halfway through my current journal. or more than half really b/c I have been ranting alot in it lately about current things and work drama. I already have the next one lined up so no worries.
I re-did my flower beds and weeded all of them. They are all nice a pretty and you can see my tulips really well. all the purple ones are blooming now! I love them! I can't wait till the rest do, which will be soon. I also planted some gladiolous and some "dancing star" lilies in my empty parts of the flower bed. they should come up in the summer. I have been outside as much as possible with the warm weather and we have walked in local parks two or three times a week lately. which is great b/c that is how I lose the few pounds I gain in the winter. So I have a little sun on my skin too now. very little b/c I usually just burn. but I am not bleach white anymore. so hopefully I won't blind too many people. I like to be outside and get a light tan naturally b/c I don't lay in tanning beds b/c my family has a history of cancer. But if it doesn't stop raining soon I will lose all the little color I have b/c I have been stuck in the house or at work.
I have been writing some too. I wrote more on my Through the Clockface story. I also have the next segment of the Wizard's Castle story to work on, but I am waiting on an answer from the other person writing it with me. i had a question about the part she wrote. So I am trying to wait on an answer. I hope to hear from her soon, but her internet is kinda choppy where she is now.
Well, Iam just rambling, trying to update on things that have been going on, Oh and I ate bad shrimp the other night and I am now queasy everytime I eat... and it has been going on for days now... not too terribly bad just enough to get me to stop eating for a bit. but then it goes away. I wish it would hurry up and get out of my system. Ummm... not much else so I believe I will quit for now... I am at work and should get back to it....
jeff dunham