My life

Dec 12, 2004 11:32

Alrighty then...ok i don't do this whole 'lest look into her life and find out all her dirty secrets thing.' But what the hell i say. ok here it is. To all my lovely fun friends out there, yes it true. I am an alian from the 4demension called Hugosiva. And my native tongue is that of the loser. You all know that i'm a ditz, lost, and mostly confused 99.9% of the time. Its just who i am. And i like it this way:)!! Of course it always is this way with me. Like when i was five and they told me to stay still and stay infront of them, i go left and run. Yes its true. I'm a rebel against the system. And them system is my parents...Oh well. Well i should thank Terri for giving me this lovely journal to write in so everyone knows my deepest darkest secrets.

Ok i'll give you the first one. It is that i am terrified of joining an evil cult. That and bunnies. They flip me out just messin. But there really isn't much to say. I'm a pretty boring person. I talk a lot but hell i have a lot to say. But other than that i talk about nonsence. But it makes life interesting. Well thats all for now. I wish i had a puppy...random. Alrighty then, i'll let you go and get back to your more interesting life and stop reading my stupid boring one. Well ta ta for now:)!!!

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