May 24, 2010 05:42
So the other day, I was getting my tour of the gym I'm going to (I totally live on free trials when I'm in Wichita) when the girl asked me if I had any kids. I instinctively blanched and said no, in an "Are you kidding me? As if we're old enough to have kids!" kind of way. The girl, who was about 24, looked at me kind of oddly before saying, "Oh, well if you did have kids, that's the daycare." Then, after going through all the equipment and the coolio toning beds, she starts talking about how she has a membership at the Y for her kids. I was like "WTF? But she's like my age... she's not old enough to have kids!"
And that's when it hit me. I'm not only old enough to have a kid, but I'm old enough to have kids. Plural. I'm still stuck in midterms/essays/standardized tests/finals mode, but after next year real people issues will be approaching. First I'll turn 21, then I'll be married and knocked up, and then I'll die. *Sad face*
On the list of less depressing breaks from GMAT studying, I watch Dora la exploradora on Saturday morning. It's the awesome Spanish version of Dora the Explorer, where Dora speaks Spanish but occasionally inserts English words in a heavy Spanish accent. "Lo hicimos!" Anyway, I'm pretty sure that this was the most racist episode I've ever seen. It was all about fixing things in a really ghetto fashion with "cinta adhesiva" or masking tape. So Dora was just walking down the calle when Mochila (Backpack) broke a correa (strap). She turns to me and asks "Que usamos para arreglar la correa?" (What do we use to fix the strap?) and I was like "un costurero" (sewing kit), but she was like "Si, cinta adhesiva!!!!", which was like totally not what I'd said.
Then she proceeded to do the same thing when a bird's nest kept falling from a tree branch, when Tito the English speaker needed to fix the 5 holes in his vela (sail), when Dora and Botas needed traction to climb a hill, and when the funny looking animal needed to patch a hole in her air balloon. She even tied up Zorro (Swiper) with her ghetto masking tape when he tried to steal from her.
It was a mess. Dora la Exploradora is not one to be messed with.