Feb 07, 2005 03:37
It is... 3:38am, and I have yet to start my essay. I don't have a clue what to do... I just can't focus. I don't even know what it is anymore... I signed off of AIM, Oh God, six hours ago. Six hours! What have I done in six hours? I remember watching the news... I remember alphabetizing my books... then I remember doing the same with the remnants of my CD collection... then I remember re-reorganizing my books by size and genre... then I remember watching Proud Family and Recess in Spanish... watching the Hot Chick (in English) then it was one... er something. At that point, I tried looking up some essays online I could possibly paraphrase without turnitin picking up (no such luck)... so, I have been watching What a Girl Wants for a while... and I sang thru Avril's Let Go three times on repeat... then I started the first roman numeral of my outline... but I needed a break... and somehow got around to doing the hokey pokey in the kitchen while making some tea with sugar... lots and lots of sugar... It is the right hand in first, rite?... I got confused about that for a while.... anyways, now I'm listening to last year KMEA CD in attempt to calm my nerves and clear my thoughts. So far, I figure these are my options seeing as it's 3:50am now (I'm a slow writer):
1) I could go find some spoiled milk and pray for food poisoning in the morning... if Davis took sickness as an excuse.
2) I could (God forbid) turn my essay in a day late... but that'd mean I'd be in this same situation 2moro nite anyways...
3) I could go jump into the lake outside and hope to drown before morning
4) I could try to finish the essay in the next... 2 hours, 30 minutes before I need to get ready for school.
5) I could pretend to be offended by the idea of writing anything at all about such a *racist* novel in the first place, and claim it to be... one of... my ammendment rights not to write anything at all.
6) I I could have... never mind, that one's too... bad, bad, bad... too sleepy... bad thoughts... moving on...
7) Damn, I'm feelin sleepy... I think I'm gonna take a nap... talk... later... rite?