just to rant

Jul 04, 2005 01:04

hello everyone
Iam a nother year older thats nothing big but you know I never exspect much from any one on my birthday but for some reason I did this year and I got my heart brokin my best friend for got my birthday I think hes mad at me (I hope iam wroung).
I am still away from my parents go me I dont think they ever thought I would be away from them this long but I have no reason to move back home my life is in Denver now not Thornton.
I still do the Rocky Horror pictur Show I love the cofidence it gives me and no one seems to understand that yes some shows are crapy but you know what they say the show must go on haha I didnt go to Vegas like I wanted to but there will be other times.
I am still doing the carnival thing as well and just found out one of our preformers will be leaving us next spring I am sad but that just means more room for new talent.
People ask me why I do what I do (Rocky/Carnval) because I love it when I really think about it I just love doing it even tho things can get old and it seems like I dont want to do it any more something always pulls me back the people I meet the friends I have now are all people I have maet thru Rocky and the places I go New York Atlantic City I would have never gone there if it had not been for the Caenval.
So ya I do bitch about things or people but thoes things always seem to pass and all I have to say is... ITS MY LIFE I LIVE IT THE WAY I WANT TO AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT OH WELL.


Ps. The only reason I started a livejournal is because of you Valentine.
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