Oct 06, 2009 09:35
Whats your opinion about ''Hallmark holidays'' such as Valentine's, Boss's, Sweetests', Secretary's, etc....day?
A) I want to celebrate them to the fullest!!
B) They're nice for friends but not the biggest deal if missed.
C) They are useless - people expect way too much when its really just another day of life-and the celebrating makes others feel left out/excluded/lonely.
D) Never heard of these!
E) They don't matter in the slightest ::EDIT::
I personally am between B and C. I don't go out of my way to celebrate/observe them - If I happen to be in the mood to give a gift, its something special- not just ''oh-its sweetest day- I 'had' to get you something...like everyone else blah-
and I don't feel angsty about not receiving/giving something on those days when gifts are given all around. yes its nice to give/get pressys, but c'mon- a holiday dedicated to hearts and angels? gag me!
Why do I need a day set aside to tell my friends I appreciate them? That should be observed whether the day says to or not!!
Its not as special to receive something nice (tangible or not! gift, hug, card, cheezy something goofy etc!) if its expected!
So yeah, Im in a 'warm fuzzy' mood and just want to shout out to ma friends how awsome you are.
okee...back to work :boo!: