(no subject)

Feb 27, 2009 07:35

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given

Pirates: I have always been fascinated with pirates, especially when pertaining to works of fiction or imagination. The word draws me to that ever so enticing story of far off adventures, feeling the spray of the sea on my own face, and longing to be that rebellious scallawag aboard a ship travelling off the map of the maid. Recollections of childhood, running along the surf at the beach; I often associate pirates with a romanticized view of how I may have lived my life, should I be a fictional character.
Pirates = Jack Sparrow, Treasure Island/Planet (take your pick!) Swordplay, romance, and most of all--adventure!!

Drawing: What I do to keep myself sane-as frustrating as it can be, its an outlet which has led to many a good conversation! I find, even if its not working one day, I go to it as a means to practice creating something. Imagination is a wonder, and pencil, paper, tablet, paint etc allow me to explore so many worlds, and SHOW people a place they may never get to see, as it existed only in my mind before I let it out!

Travel adventures: Travelling motivates me to stay focused, share, work,and appreciate whats around me to an impossible degree. No travel is bad travel. Sure, some trips may take an unexpected turn--but hey, you can always learn from it! Until you have travelled...even just outside your door!--the world will remain a postcard. One of my favorite quotes:'Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door, you step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet-there's no telling where you may be swept off to' (Bilbo Baggins)This is a motto of mine I guess. I travel to experience different ways of life, learn, EAT!, meet people, and most of all, because it gives me such a sense of living.

Ultimate frisbee mishaps: Sports enthusiasts, take note--when playing Ultimate with 20 college boys--tripping is frowned upon- *scariest moment of my life: playing Ultimate-tripping while going for a pass (I got it!) a guy falling on me-managing to snap my leg in 2--then sitting in the middle of a semi-circle of my fellow players (all male!) who are all just STANDING there staring at me with blank and horrified expressions on their faces saying ''oh no! what do we do!?"

ROIAL: My intro to MSU. Catalyst for many friendships, funny stories, late night bitching of stupid papers, Many odd movies and books, Origin of the HAIR SQUIRRELS!
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