(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 23:15

"Who is this?" Whitney asked.

"Peter," Ryan said.

"Bjorn. And John," Lee finished. "The albums' name is Writer's Block."

Each time I click on the "Post" link on Live Journal, I get writers block. I'm really not even sure why. Does this happen to a lot of people?

I will begin working for Outward Bound next Tuesday, June 10. Next week.

My last day working at the Florida Center for Reading Research was last Thursday. My office went out for lunch. This was one of the most awkward experiences I've been through. I was stuck on one side of a table of twelve with people that I don't usually talk to in the office. All I wanted to do was get back to the office, finish my shift, and leave that office for the last time. Instead I spent an hour and a half eating and having elongated small talk. My main boss and my supervisor (you know, the one who calls out twice a week) were not there for the lunch. I can't honestly say that I was sad to not be able to say goodbye to them.

Now I have a week off of work before I begin at Outward Bound. I went from working fifty to sixty hours a week to working zero. Three work days have passed, and I really haven't done much. I need to get a physical before I work at OB, and I should probably get my oil changed as well. Those are my only goals for tomorrow.

I kind of feel like a slacker, but I guess this is my "vacation" before I go back to work.
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