People R' Ghey

Oct 10, 2005 08:30

I got food poisoning on Friday morning at about 5 am. Thursday afternoon, my boss had me run to Ralph's to pick up sandwiches for him, David, and John. He was paying. Charlie wasn't there that day, because he'd hurt his shoulder the previous day. So. There were 4 of us. I got back, and started to heat up my frozen lasagna, when the lights went out. Our microwave will blow the lights if there are too many on, and someone will need to reset the breaker. So. My boss yells from the other room "WILL SOMEONE TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON, PLEASE?!" like I did it on purpose. So someone resets the breaker. This time, I turn off all the lights in the breakroom and every light but the one in his office, and try again. The lights STILL waiver, which is very odd. He yells from his office "NO MORE MICROWAVE, PLEASE!" Because I'm starving, I eat anyway. Half of it is lukewarm, parts of it are cold.

5 am, I wake up with excruciating stomach cramps and severe nausea, almost positive my appendix had burst. I was about to stop my dad on his way out the front door to go to work to take me to the hospital.

I call Joe, tell him I have food poisoning and that I can't make it in, and he says "alright, go ahead and take the day off" like I'd asked his permission.

So I get here today, he walks by me, barely glancing at me, mumbling "good mornin'" and walks into his office. Some girl is here because I guess he hired her as an executive assistant for David, but everything he's telling her she's going to do is the things that I do. So either he's giving her my stupid shit to do so all I have to do is anwer the phone, or he's replacing me. If it's the former, sounds good to me. If it's the latter, I'd be better off with a different job anyway, where I'm not treated like utter shit. And where I don't get FOOD POISONING!!!

It's completely laughable that he hired her, because she's this young, Barbie-looking girl that sounds like a softspoken cheerleader. She's got the INCREDIBLY choppy streaked hair, really dark eye-makeup, knee-length pants-and-heels thing going on. Looks stupid, IMO. No H.

It's funny how professional he tries to be, and the moment Dave walks in it's all about "dave! dave! i went to a BAR last night, and these two GIRLS were talking to me, and wunuvem was STACKED! like BAM!"

Fucking idiot. He is the most unattractive, grotesque individual I have ever met. And he needs to brush his teeth. BADLY.

Fire me, bitch, I dare you. There are so many things I want to say to your ugly ass, and you better hope to god you're ready for it.

Shit, I'll go work somewhere else that pays me more, maybe not as a typical office position. Maybe I'll go for a graphic design internship or something. Maybe I'll work as a receptionist in an interior design company. It's high time I started looking for a new job anyway, methinks, if this bullshit keeps up. I hate jumping from job to job every couple months, though. It bothers me.

Ugh. I HATE his laugh. And that girl has got BAD hair.

I wanna go hiking. I get in these dangerous moods where I go "I wanna go outside!" and I'm tempted to just leave my job, say 'FUUUUUCK YOU!' and just GO. It's funny.

I'm done with the caste system. School-->job you want--> move out. I'm ready to be at the job I want, rather than working at this ridiculous place while I go to school. Laughable. AND. Once I get into school, I won't give a SHIT about this place. Once I start working toward my desired job, that's all I'll be concerned with. After Christmas, there's really nothing I need to pay for, save my cell bill and gas. Oh, and car insurance. :P So I suppose I could more-than-survive on a part-time job and semi-full-time school.

This sucks. My throat is so incredibly dry, but I feel crap in my throat/chest that I can't get out, so I keep coughing my head off. Happens every year. This is how my pneumonia started last year. UGH. AND post-nasal drip. Fun.

*rocks out to The Safety Dance*

And you can act real rude or totally removed And I can act like an imbecile!!

We can dance! We can dance! Everybody look at your PANTS!

I need to live in the middle-ages. This 21st century crap aint cuttin' it.
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