General life update

Jun 12, 2007 15:08

Haven't had one of these in a while... Well... Lesse... I has a Wii and I likes to play with it. Hehehe... Okay. Enough of that. Oddly though, I haven't been playing it as much as I have my PS2 or WOW.

I'm on another WOW binge on Malfurion, managed to get my Orc hunter to level 32 officially making her the highest level horde character I've ever had. I also enjoy my BE Warlock (18), Rogue (18) and Pally (10) on the same server. My hunter is in a crap guild so that the text can keep me company while I solo. The drama adds flavor to the whole WOW experience.

I found Shadow Hearts: New World for 20 bucks at Blockbuster's in Nanaimo and I've been enjoying it alot. The only problem is that each character has to be micromanaged. The heroine can fuse with spirits becoming awesome, but I have to level up these totem statues... But the best part of that one is that I can just accumulate them in battle so it's no big deal. The Gun-Fu guy I need to capture mysterious creatures and trade them for new techniques. Not a big deal, but I have to figure out what they like to eat and what I'm trapping in the first god damn place. -_-;; The best is the new character I got, she's a vampire but depending on the calorie count she sucks she's either Slim, Fat or Bat. I don't want to have to watch her calorie intake, I'm bad enough at that on my own! Then there's the giant drunken-boxing cat. I have to feel up other cats so they give me their coins so I can hire them to be in her movie. (You heard me.) AUGH. ... Saying that. Frank, the insane American "ninja" is relatively straight forward. No wonder I like having him in my party. Same with the hero. He just sucks, and goes beserk EVERY BOSS FIGHT. For crying out loud... But am I having fun with the game? Hugely, I love the characters the fight system is loads of fun and the story keeps me coming back.

Uh... Been going to school, part way through Simply Accounting. It takes me forever to finish a chapter but I've found that I'm enjoying it. *GASP* Of course, I'm still really in the "intro" and we'll see how much fun I'll have once I have to use my own brain to figure it all out. >_<

Uh... Enjoying Exalted still, I'm going to throw a Dragon-blooded game together where everyone is in the equivalent of High School. Going to be Ouran High School mixed with Ranma and Avatar. I think it'll be fun. Problem is, it's hard to think up NPC's until I see where everyone is taking their characters... Hmmm... Oh well. That's half the fun! I can't wait for my latest book to get here, it has a bunch of hearthstones in it to expand my current selection, I mean, making them up is fun, but sometimes you just don't want to have to think it up on your own.

I think I'm getting sick, I've got a dry, scratchy patch at the back of my throat. Other than that I'm feeling fine. Although, I couldn't sleep last night so I played WOW until the server went down for maintenance. >_< So I be tired.

I'm going to Nanaimo this weekend for the dog show. I've already missed 3 so I really want to goto this one. (To be fair though, one of them I didn't know about until the DAY it was being held and I was already hanging out with Andrew AND it was pissing down rain. Another was just after my Grandmother had her stroke and I really didn't feel like going after that.) I don't want to be sick! Although, I know Alona is sick so at least I won't infect her. I'll need to wear a mask around Jenna though. She's too busy to get sick! *head desk* I'm hoping it's just pollen scratchy throat. It was coming down like snow today, made my eyes water just looking at it. And I don't even have allergies!

...Well. I think that covers it.
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