So much flailing. Icon used for the lulz.

Nov 25, 2009 16:44

- Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

Questions from narcissisma , and her being her, they're not all actual questions. XD And btw Jazzy, congrats on getting me rambling. This is seriously TL;DR.

1.What linguistics concept has you flailing the most?
Oh I have to choose? XD Well, there's the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which suggests that language dictates or at least influences the way we perceive the world. Your language tells you how to categorize things, and if you don't have a word for something then you don't have the cognitive concept either. Thus, speakers of different languages think differently. I'm not sure in how far I buy into that, but it does blow my mind a little bit.

What has me really flailing about linguistics as a whole though is that it showed me how language constantly grows and changes and adapts, how the "fittest" words and conventions move on while others die out. To me, language is an organism and that's just... beautiful, man.

Also, language pretends to be all logical with its rules and orthography and all, but it's really really not. Everything down to the very words we use is arbitrary. Sometimes that causes some flailing because I'm a very logical person, but mostly it just cracks me up. XD

2. omg tardisssss
OMG TARDISSSSS. I assume I am to talk about why I love the Doctor's trusty ship here. Well for one, she's awesome. D'uh. A freaking time-and-space ship that is virtually infinite on the inside and looks like a blue box on the outside, and is sentient. And she's been through everything with the Doctor. She loves him unconditionally, but not mindlessly, and basically just always wants to be there for him and make him happy. I think she knows him better than any companion of his, and that in return she is perhaps the most important being to him because she provides him with so many different things - a home, the means to travel the universe, loyalty, companionship although humans are apparently better at that, a constant amongst ever changing places and people and even himself. Also, let's not forget that she can be a fierce bitch, yo.

I know a lot of this is only extrapolation from meager little canon bits (although come to think of it, if you take Zagreus as canon then there's a metric ton more proof for this than for the Doctor being in love with Rose or something), but this is trufax in my head and to be honest, I indentify quite a lot with her... need to be important and useful to someone and her drawing happiness from providing for her loved one. Or more probable, I have this picture of her in my head because I work like that, lol. Hmmm, recursive identification. Aaanyway, to finish this section, let me just illustrate why Doctor/TARDIS is the best OTP ever. They may not have many moments of obvious affection because theirs is a quiet and steadfast love, but when they do it is super sweet.

Did I mention she's also cheeky?

Shaddup Grace, he likes the Police Box look.

Deciding the Doctor can have his humans back, just this once as a regeneration present.

Sentimental old thing!

My caption program sucks, but he is definitely smiling at her here.

3. Dragons?
Dragons, woooo. It all started with me watching Dragonheart when I was 10. And then I watched it again. And again. And again. It was my first obsession and I haven't stopped since. I've been collecting everything - books, posters, figurines, cups, puzzles, plush toys, jewellry... I just find them magnificent. Beautiful and strong and wise, hunted and dangerous, clever and snarky and sad. And because I'm too tired to be coherent by now, have some pics instead.

4. Actually, what language would you like to learn next?
Hmmm, probably Spanish, just because it's what everyone does and it would be convenient. But if someone were to offer a Gaelic course here, I would be SO all over that.

5. Your lj comment thingy is something about zedsomething....whaaa?
XD That's a remnant from when the wonderful imwithrebel made the layout for me, like the quotes on the right, my mood theme and other custom text thingies. We were both very much into Stargate: Atlantis at the time and ZPMs are the things that power the city of Atlantis, which my favorite character Rodney loves to get his hands on. I can see how it would be confusing; I've just been too lazy to change it all and I'm kinda attached to it, lol.

ramblings, picspam, dragons, language geekery, doctor who, quizzes and memes, the tardis deserves her own tag

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