It's time for some pimping again!
fic_rush has its 3rd round this weekend. If you join, you dedicate yourself to writing as much fic as you can in 48 hours. Every hour, there will be a post where you can talk about your progress with other participants, whine about obstacles, and cheer each other on. The next round starts in 8 hours! Also, I unfortunately managed to acquire a life this weekend and can't mod, so if one of you has the time and inclination to help out, that would be grand.
iconsofrassilon is a Classic Who icontest with weekly challenges. If you love me, you'll join. ;)
- Is an organization that trains giant pouched rats to sniff out landmines and tuberculosis in Africa. Because of their great sense of smell, the rats can clear an area of landmines in 30 minutes, for which a human deminer would need two days, and because of their leight weight they don't set the mines off. The rats used in tuberculosis detection can evaluate 40 samples in 7 minutes, which is the equivalent of two days of microscopy work for a lab technician. To support them, you can either make a donation or adopt a rat for about $5 a month (you get cheery little emails from your rat and updates on its progress if you adopt one, heh).
This is Kim, the tuberculosis sniffer rat I adopted. :D